
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The walmart/internet death spiral draconian measures

Part of China's weaponized economy is directed towards solutions.
Solutions to the centralization of purchasing, a critical element in allowing China to weaponize it's economy exist.  They are not simple.  The word draconian may be too mild to describe these, they are considered war footing requirements, desperate in some cases.
The purpose of this series of blogs is to posit some solutions, many of which are in place already.
1) Limit internet sales to products manufactured in America for at least some products, particularly high tech devices such as cell phones and computers.
a) this would have to be implemented over a period of time and focus on fundamental parts (displays, chips, assembly).  The time would allow for interested companies to set up manufacturing facilities in the USA.  We would end up with more store sales and some really lousy cell phones, but the alternatives are too awful to imagine.  It is hoped that both the internet sales companies and manufacturers could move manufacturing to the USA to supply part of the demand.  Computers and monitors could be added.
2) Require online sellers shop deliveries to local companies where possible splitting the profits and possibly setting price markdown limits for online sellers.  This would require that local products be listed as available locally on sites and that users disclose their locations and probably would not work.
3) Zone for a minimum of big box stores or limit what any one store can carry, amazingly inconvenient.
4) Require that a percentage of each type of product in a big box store come from US manufacturers.
Want more draconian requirements, just wait, it doesn't get better.
One potential benefit is that if these are suggested, the affected companies might find better choices; just as term limits pursued at the state level might lead the politicians to provide a superior remedy or at least an inferior one.
Want to know why they are justified?

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