
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Last days (edited)

Twenty four hundred yards, followed by two thousand yard (surprised I even finished the second one) and then, despite my interest in taking today off, 25 minutes of stair and 3 sets of weights, some of it a little off.
I will, in this article wax sarcastically; if you don't like that side of me, you should probably stop reading now and be satisfied that I have the body of an Adonis and the mind of the writer of Metropolis.

For those of you who don't appreciate this movie, "The Hunger Games" is essentially a take off of this movie and if you see this movie in context of when it was produced in 1927; you will see that is as visionary as any movie ever made.
And just to keep things honest for a moment, I have the body of Jaba the Hut, a very old Jaba the Hut.  But enough honesty for a moment, the president of the united states and his minions care little for truth, and setting the standard for all Americans, I will do the same.

I finished the first draft of last days of the new orleans river zombie today.  I suppose I will have to make it available soon.
I also received in the mail the proof copies of the science of nostradamus.
This is the new and much improved copy.  I may come out with another edition, but I only have so much time and this book is very important; especially if you are facing death, like me.
There is so much I'd like to do before I die, but so little that I can do.

It begins with a quote from DaVinci which alone is worth the cost of the book and which, sadly, can be see in the preview without buying it. Lucky you.
I think there is a country out there that will appreciate what I have done here; that will adopt me for my science and patents; but it has not happened yet; so for the moment, let me point out with a couple of articles the stupidity of everything that came before me and why I will one day be the new Einstein, the new Edison, the new Newton, indeed, why one day I will be the new Parmenides, father of quantum mechanics by talking about two nothing articles.

Let's talk about these two articles and why they are nonsense and at the same time I will cover the material that you can find in the books.  For those of you who want to watch it built, you can start with post 1 and follow through to now; but the "audio summary" and the "model" book below contain most of the key elements; although there is much good and bad in the interminably long volumes 1 and 2, but I digress.

Let's start with the hologram within the hologram and black hole information, a quick look at the too massive black hole in our galaxy and then move on to the dark matter particle silliness.  You don't have to read the articles because they are so much horse manure as is all pre-aut physics.
The elegant field theory is just a way of estimating AuT's more specific pre-time and post time features and shows how small minded physics is not to have embraced me with the laurels of the conquering hero that I am, scientifically speaking.
The information in a black hole has merely made the shift from base 10 to base 16.
Since the maximum amount of information before moving on to the base 26 to the 64 conglomeration of black holes where if even the first two arms were effective, well, the math is interesting, do it if you want, which is where the molecular black holes change from ct6 transitional states to ct6 a level which our entire universe can barely reach if the entirety of it were compressed.
Since the minimum size black hole (16^32 AUT) has been compared to 3.8xsun; this 20x sun is far under the first information arm which would be 26x3.8 of our sun.
Hence, we are looking at black holes with 16^32 neutrons in mass before we exit AuT and the base 16 framework and 4 dimensional feel of black holes.  I seriously doubt that either the super-massive black hole of the information loss concepts have any relevance in light of this mathematical certainty.
That being said, aut had its roots in challenging hologram theory in terms of continuity and so the silliness of a hologram within a hologram has to be considered and it survives after a fashion because what is aut if not a lesser base state within a higher base state.  I give the article the rare blessing of two stars, the writers should be proud.

The second article deserves no such kindness; nonsense particles when dark matter is not so much a thing as a mistake in the actions of ct1-3 and low transitional states of ct4.  There is much to forgive, however, given the only recent understanding of space as being much more than ct1 as it is observed and for that I do not apologize; because the world of science that has been so cruel to me has much to answer for; but I have some understanding of prejudice because my own old thinking kept me from seeing what seems so obvious, once it is discovered and indeed it was late in this year when it came to me at last; the most brilliant of physicists, even for me it took some time.

I will take my tongue out of my cheek now.

16,000 word once the surplus is gone, meaning I have to cut out 6,000 words to enter it; but the entire story is ready.  It does need polishing; a lot of polishing; but I thought I'd share another chapter.

   25. Levee Board

Outside there is a steady flow of water, up from the drains, in the middle of the streets and down from the sky.  Inside the control room of the levee board various monitors shows the success and failure of the pumping stations.
The commander looking at the monitors asked, “This report says that we can’t even start on levee repairs until after the storm and there is at least 10 places where the water is topping the levee already and several potential failure points.  Can things get any worse?”
“The damn storm is coming this way.”
“Everyone said it was going to just brush by Louisiana.”
“It stalled, now they say it’s going to turn north and move up the Mississippi.”
“What do we do?”
“We’ve opened the spillways, the 9th ward is going to flood.  The pumps are still holding up, mostly, but if we don’t get some relief, they won’t for long.”
“We lost the army pumps.  Any word on survivors from the second bridge collapse?”

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