
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Morning

I woke up this morning with a terrible "crick" in my neck and more than usually blind.  The former I attribute to a lengthy swim followed by a restless night.  I did, after finally getting to sleep manage to sleep past 5:00 am which was something of a victory.
Success in such minor things is important to me.  It is too hot for most of my distractions.  I forced myself to practice the piano for a short time this morning.  I hate to think that I will spend eternity swimming laps without getting anywhere, without accomplishing anything beyond a sore neck, knowing that I can control my destiny and finally being within 30 days to do it with relative impunity, but not doing it.  What kind of a person am I?
I changed the name of my blog to more closely reflect what I am doing now. Perhaps I will change it again to match the title of the book.
 A gloomier, more humid day is hard to imagine.  It is not the gloom of the mind alone, although several hours awake without coffee has no doubt added to things.  The decaffeinated tea is better suited to my health, but not my state of mind.
It was a week of raining on an off, every 3 hours or so it has rained for 3 hours as if the weather was on some sort of clock set to assure that the gloom of week does not wear off prematurely.
Of what waits for me, there are many things.
There are the secret things for which I have done my part for now.  These are the things that hold the most immediate promise and there is the uncertain future.  I have laid down certain row crops which now must be harvested.
There are the confidential things for which I have my path set out but which wait for the meetings required to set them in motion which will, I fear, be delayed further.  I have work to do to prepare for both the precedent features and the mordant actions that will follow.
There are the certainties of travel and those which remain to be set.  Will I find myself in California preparing for the next level of consequence or will I find that the issue at hand has imploded, that my plans are thwarted by what must be a corrupted influence?
These few things, among many others, represent an enormous investment time, which is valueless because it is not spent wisely.  There may yet be some work to be done otherwise. Surely the equally work on NLC presses on me, bedevils my days locked in amber without you.

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