
Friday, November 4, 2016

AuT BAA-12-speeding up photons

Let us talk for a moment on balanced algorithms (expanding and converging).
The model suggests that until you are far enough out on a spiral you cannot reach compression.
looking at 1,1,2 we can say that until you get to 2 you cannot create a photon and that once you move inward on the spiral you would lose the status.

It also suggests that when it does move in another outward moving spiral takes it place one, for example moving away from intersection with its other spiral and no two spirals would be at the same exact point because of the change in x.

The period of stability of any ct state is defined by when and how often these changes occur and they are viewed relative to ct1 as movement.

Perhaps the number would correspond to how many states are required.  For example, if 256 in common were required, then until the f series of one reaches 256 (meaning the highest would be 256 changes higher) then a single photon couldn't exist.  The way that the formulas work, all of ct1 cannot change to ct2.
This suggests extremely high values of x before any ct4 could form since the lowest would be 10^8, but we don't really see high values of x.
The way that creation of new information is envisioned (as an infinite expanding theory where each new state is built by adding two prior state, that is each quantum universe is built on the two prior quantum universes in this model, each change in x creates massive amounts of space at each transition in addition to everything else, but nevertheless the entire universe has inflection points that lead to the compression of these ct1 states according to an easily (see prior post) calculated "clock" relative to ct1.
Can we slow down a photon?  Can we speed it up?  There are two ways short of changing the algorithm that are suggested.  The opposite models are exchanging each quantum states; one is that at each change in x all 256 photon states change and if you reduce the number that change you effect this change, the other (more likely) is that at each change in x only one of the 256 ct1 states making up a photon change and if two of them change at a time it would either speed up or slow down the photon depending on which change can occur.
Now this is an unnatural methodology and would allow other speeds of the ct states, even matter, to be affected in a similar way.  Using ct4, the example would be that 1 of 256 states is light speed for matter (it would effectively have changed to individual photons along a series of inflection points, possibly one immediately following the other, but the numbers are covered a post or two ago from 10^8 (ct4) to 6^4 (ct3 wave energy) to 4^2 (photonic energy) or something like that, and anything less is slowed and this means that speed itself (of course) is a quantum event with just that many steps (per 1.07x10-39th of a second) but what if 2 of 256 were able to change, would that double or at least increase light speed of ct4?  Would it force a dissolution of ct4 and could it be reassembled?
The model suggests it is possible.  That is the model suggests that exceeding light speed is possible.
The other part of the model allowing greater than light speed movement is nothing more complicated than noting that distance and speed are only relative changes to the ct1 matrix.  This means if you ignore the false distance you can plot against ct1 at any point.
This assumes that for ct4, 3 and 2 instead of 1 ct1 changing at a time would be for one for each information state of the photon (1 of 256) changing at a time for a miminal/maximum speed.  Because you can only change one at a time, at least as far as the model looks at us, because of how the algorithm is solved light cannot change slower and cannot slow down.  For a higher ct3 state (6^4) you still have going down all the way to 1 change per 6^4 which means that wave energy "theoretically" could slow down exponentially relative to photons even though this happens very rarely and is a confusing part of the model.  When the ct3 state is associated (electricity being an example) with a ct4 state, you do see changes varying and, of course, ct4 has much slower changes relative to ct1, space.
There is a maximum amount of change, but over the dreadfully long period of a measurable amount of time, speeds can change dramatically.
These numbers only follow quantums over quantum changes.  That is the follow a single quantum, less than a quark, of matter over 1.07x10-39th of a second and therefore can only be measured using the math model which, of course, I have figured out, thank you and the awful absurdity of a universe built on irony where the more bad injected into a system, the more resulting benefit is possible.

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