
Thursday, November 10, 2016

AuT-lumpy time

I could write a post about love or physics, and perhaps both
For the moment, I explained some things at lunch and want to put my thoughts down on paper
First, if all times are built on the prior times, then it may be possible to mine the present for the past.  There are certainly some "elements" of that, light carrying old times, often billions of years old, into our telescopes, but it is the more relevant current moments that are worth considering.  There is little question that in Aut the present in built on the past, but the methodology is complicated by the changes relative to ct1 that give us standard clock time and velocity which otherwise would not be perceived.
Time, as a relative change against ct1 can be measured in quantum steps and hence must be quantum, that is sct.  If ct2 is 256 changing with one ct1 state changing at a time at ct3 is 6^2^3 ct2 changing at the same rate and ct4 is 10^2^4 ct3 then this incredibly large number divided by 256 is the speed of matter at the speed of light and to see the quantum elements, you would have to observe those in fractions (1.07x10-39) of a second to see the individual changes.  Nevertheless, this should be an observable phenomena.
I also discussed the fact that ct6 (black holes) interact with matter like matter interacts with wave energy.  When electricity (wave energy) passes through a wire it doesn't cease to exists nor does matter in contact with a black hole do anything weirder than be captured in the same fashion.  In fact, all matter may be observed as being shared in a very loose ct5 matrix.
I also discussed that space alone would have no dimensional aspects, because space is non-dimensional probably because it has an element of non linearity to it (0,1,1,0) but that it also is carried on a carrier F-series 0,1,1,2,3 as a result of the stacking of times together.
I discussed that 1,1,2 in space corresponded to 11,11,22 in photons, 111,111,222 in wave energy and the like providing an explanation for the F(series) portion of the equation F(x)^2^x or for matter (2+3+5)^2^4.
I mentioned that pi proves that dimension is illusory because pi cannot be solved except for a finite value of x and that therefore dimension and velocity are (as observed) a function only of relative position along a ct1 spiral relative to other ct1 spirals in the type of stacked matrix suggested by the stacking of prior time states to get the current one.
It was worthwhile to me because it gave me some room to stretch and put these theories into one place where they make sense without getting too high falutin.
But more on this and perhaps more on love later.

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