
Monday, November 28, 2016

AuT structure

I have 194 draft posts.  No way to incorporate all of that.
I have, of course, given the universe structure, but it is important to note that there are two separate universes.  One is the "true" universe which has a clock based on the quantum changes in a single variable.
The second universe is the relativistic universe that we call space time.
The division between these two can be understood as follows:

The relative comparison of unbroken ct states to a broken ct state is recorded by stacking each solution to get the next solution.  The theory runs as follows;
1) 1 compared to 1,1 or 2 for photonic state. 1 compared to 1,2,3 for wave energy, etc.
2) The same process occurs and the two solutions are added to get a recorded event.
3) 0 compared with 1,1, or 2 for photonic states which creates a defect in the operation.  This defect gives rise to time and provides a mechanism for separating points giving rise to dimension and standard clock time.
4) X continues one quantum change at a time so that time is changed into two separate parts: x time which is true time; sct (which is relativistic space-time).

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