
Saturday, June 29, 2013

yes, the hologram universe makes sense even though it doesn't (one of two)

The e-hologram theory allows us to exist without time and, therefore, without dimension.
It is shown observational with relativistic math earlier, that distance and time are interchangeable.  This is how we, in our stupid o-space, determine the conversion of things (see e=mc^2). 
However, with e-hologram theory, things like physical contact, whether a soft kiss or a speeding 2 ton Chevy, don't really matter all that much since they are a mere manifestation of something I refer to as tendency in g-space with the application of time.
While you want that kiss to mean something, in fact, it may or may not depending on how thoroughly tendency controls the future when time is applied; because in a singularity, it's all happened and Einstein said that in this singularity everything happens at once and therefore the kiss and the truck are the same thing, just a tendency manifested with time.
It does make sense even though we want to reject it.  Because we accept prime numbers and infinite series (whether in our universe or in an examination of what makes up g-space) we are willing to gloss over the truly important questions and accept blindly the complexity of the universe as a given.
You said you love me in o-space, but what is going on in g-space where everything has happened at once.  Do you love me there or do you hate me? 

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