
Sunday, June 30, 2013

yes, the hologram universe makes sense even though it doesn't (two of two)

"I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact, the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language."-- physicist Werner Heisenberg
We experience fire and ice, love and hate, friendship and isolation
We accept time without knowing what it is
We assume that because we experience space
it is a part of who we are and why we exist
In e-hologram theory it is not necessarily the case
13 decimal places worth of what we'd call matter, if we considered the three "basic" building blocks of matter-electrons, neutrons and protons, as matter-they are not matter, as discussed before being made up of things which have even more space between them called quarks, strings, etc.
Think in terms of money-1,000,000,000-you're a billionaire and that is only 9 decimal places) take you to the amount of empty space in our accepted atoms (empty in terms of accumulated matter, not in terms of energy fields, electron probabilities, ect.).  This means that if you transport this into dollars for every 10,000,000,000,000 of more or less empty space; you have 1 dollar's worth of what we'd call matter.  When you separate atoms from one another by multiples of this distance, you see why they say we're mostly "not-empty" space. By not empty space, we mean that we connect the empty space with energy fields, orbit probabilities of electrons and the like.
The key to this, however, is that despite being more or less "not-empty" space, we still accept our solidity as certain even though cars should be able to pass through us as opposed to smashing us into pieces by any Newtonian view of the universe.
Hence while a dark ages person would be right to move out of the way of a speeding Chevy, it makes perfect sense to say that space is an illusion since the matter we cling to so tenaciously is not there statistically (mostly space).
The "forms and ideas" of Heisenberg are what I call tendencies in the singularity which has no dimension.  In fact, the great part of e-hologram theory is that we don't have to concern ourselves as much with explaining why there is so much space out there.  This is just a manifestation of time. It is like saying there are 10,000,000,000,000 seconds between two events.  While that's a lot of seconds, with the universe being 14,000,000,000 years (a year is 31,536,000 seconds) and with every tendency in the universe having its own time (see prior discussions) there are lots of seconds to go around.  Also since time is apparently a fundamental (one of two along with tendencies) of the universe; which takes even space out of the equation, there should be a lot of it go around.
Put another way, if there is no distance, only variations in time, you can make matter appear to move apart using variations in time (and I'm not going any further into this in case you're waiting for that); but think in terms of the beginning and end of a movie. By splicing the film and putting the end next to the beginning you get the same sort of results in terms of "perception" that you get by having the appearance of solidity in the human body.   Think about it, there are many ways to interpret this and maybe you don't have anything better to do if you're reading this blog.
The bottom line of this discussion is that if you accept what we observe and calculate (empty space) it is not a large jump to taking the distance out of the equation and inserting in its place something that is equivalent (time) plus a singularity.  In fact, given the lack of "any" distance in the singularity, the effect of colliding two blocks of tendencies-(energy plus matter to you old timey string physicists)-together makes more sense since what you are really doing is combining their times.  You don't run any "matter" or "energy" together.  Instead, you merely combine the "times" of two tendencies in a singularity.
Mathematically, simplifying this using relativistic ideas from the perspective of one of the two blocks of matter; it would look something like this:
Integrate from T2=x to T2=T1[t1*T1 + t2*T2 dT2] (where t=tendency and T=time) and slowly changing T2 to T1.  The actual equation is very difficult for several reasons, not the least of which is that the transition of T2 to T1 involves relatively changing both T2 and T1 to a common T3; several "perceived dimensions" of T2 changing, etc; but even relativity suggests (actually demands) that if these are both "moving" objects that when they collide their times are combining (relativistic effects of differing times merging at least till they start moving apart giving rise to a T4 in this analogy).
This idea of matching times to form a collision compared to matching space coordinates are equivalents, but this is a question of fundamentals, of unifying fields, and putting forth theories that allow us to modify our universe in unique ways (unique to us, it should be and is the case that the universe uses these concepts routinely in the vastness of time (space to you old fogies) and we do observe this.
This leaves many things for discussion, but everything has been written at once in e-hologram theory, but must be written out in time for us to comprehend it with our tendency time perspectives.

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