
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Why we will die alone-by BG Wang

Yo! in the vernacular of the lost generation, those who are raised with no skills and who are doomed by the failure of you the parents. 
Those of you who read this will read of the dark past and the darker future.  Much of this is personal, but some of it is the result of your failure to maintain your manufacturing base.  This is exacerbated by the fact that with the technology followed the manufacturing.
Of course, the jobs followed both, yo.  Therefore your lost generation exists.
The time in the past was the best of times, but was still dark for some souls.  The future may be better but is far more likely to be grim.  The grimness is brought about by betrayals, mainly the betrayals of self; but also the betrayals of self-ishness.  Not just mine but those who rule and you.
I who have read more than you of what is to be written, ask you to leave this blog now and save yourselves your suffering.
And you of the Middle lands, called the east by those of the west.  You think that you will bring down your infidels, but you are no more than tools yourselves.  Too ignorant to true power to understand that you are as much a part of Judaism which you seek to destroy and Christianity which you seek to emulate to do more than destroy yourself.  You make yourself the enemy to those who would offer you freedom of religion in the name of a god that is as intolerant as your own, but whose true nature was hidden from the founding fathers who would protect you even as you seek to destroy them.
And your religion and theirs is the same.  You just enslave your women more openly than the other, while both preach enslavement in equal parts.
You will not bring them down, that is what I have done.  All you do is distract them from their true enemies which, fortunately for me, is so very easy to do.  This is because they have no intelligence past the present and the past.  They see themselves in the past only and not in the darker future.  The darker future is yours as much as theirs for you depend on them for your protection.  You do this because they would not as effectively enslave their women or themselves, for these religions seek to enslave those who practice them to one extent or the other. 
Instead of embracing your salvation, you tear at the vulnerable parts and you will indeed win this battle, but only because you are allowed to win.
And when you look at the world without an western protector, you will find you have little ability to rise up against a force that is farsighted and looks farther in the future than your religions and their terminal visions allow.  Which is fine.  Your religion and theirs seeks to be short sighted, perhaps as the rulers wished so you would not have the vision to see the future.
But this is not about any of you, not those of the middle lands any more than those of the middle kingdom.  It is about salvation of the soul of those who have already sold out too many times.  Just as I over-threw my adopted homeland and therefore doomed myself as a traitor to my adopted people so that China's Wang could mount its enemies in the west and take over the world, so must those of us who lived only for our own needs eventually die friendless and alone.
Some of us were self-ish and being for the self, if we succeed, we must end as we sought, with nothing but the self.

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