
Saturday, June 22, 2013

The value of convictions

If you had the opportunity to save the world and you were offered money in exchange for it, what would be the amount that would be necessary to have you abandon your convictions.
It sounds like something that would happen to someone else, like something that would happen in a movie.  I have not been given a clear mandate to save the world.  That is one difference.  My certainty is replaced with speculation.
Imagine if you needed the money, if your sense of well being was dependent.  If even love was dependent in it.
It is the stuff of which movies are made, at a minimum it is a fiction.  And yet, I have been given that very choice.
I suppose it is romantic when it is given to a handsome leading man, when it is accompanied by grand music.
If it is you, then it is peculiar.  It is still the interplay of good and evil.  But it is also the practical versus the impractical.  It is a higher calling versus the needs of the flesh.
Do you not have a similar choice every day.  Are you not beset with high goals.  To pursue them you have to sacrifice your needs.  What would you do given such a choice.  You are given this choice every day.  Every choice you are given is not the right way to put it.  The question is not what would you do, but what you do.
It is easy to ask the protagonist to sacrifice everything for the lofty goals, but don't you have the same option every day.  What do you ask of yourself?
And this is the question that was put to me.  How strange life is that one person can be given such potential for good.  And how strange life is that life would make financial security forfeit if I do not agree to cripple my ability to do good.  Next week, I take up the sword again.  What would you ask of me?  What would you ask of yourself?
What are convictions worth, how desperate do we need to be, to sell them.  Next week, sword in hand, I get to find out.

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