
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Proof that time yields dimension, mathematical analysis- 1.5 of 3-and a side trip to God

Proof that time yields dimension, as opposed to dimension existing independently, mathematical analysis- 1.5 of 3 previously known as: How accelerating along an axis changes the time using e-hologram theory (1 of 3).
Before I continue the explanation of inconsistency of integration time in e-hologram theory I want to say that I think I may have to expand this discussion somewhat in terms of entries because of time constraints and because as I continue to lose my mind, my ability to go on interminably with any particular issue is shortened.
The "inconsistency of integration" is not really an inconsistency.  The prior entry showed that by moving quickly along an axis, time consumption is accelerated outwardly while in o-space we see that the equation itself (apparent time in the accelerated body)  is slowed which appears inconsistent until you look more close.  Spoiler alert-it has to do with differentiation which is the measure of time and not coincidentally something of a mirror image to integration (one builds a line, area, space; the other breaks out change in an equation).  This is what is observed.
Equally importantly will be the analysis of gravitational time fluctuation which is similarly derived and includes a discussion of how "stripping time", the end result of the application of gravity to tendency (i.e. gravity is the visible effect of the tendency of tendancies to give up time) is very much the "physical" embodiment of differentiation and therefore is inherent in e-hologram theory.
I am going to incorporate a pun in the title.   The first person to identify the pun in a comment correctly can come by and get a signed copy of the book on e-hologram theory if I get it published before I'm dead.
E-hologram theory co-opts Einstein's letter (E), but only because his conception of time so closely embodies the requirements of e-hologram theory and that is the most commonly used letter in the alphabet; but the reason is the Einstein Time Conception.  Before I get further into the proof (which derives from what is already shown in the 1 of 3 entry); it is important to remember this is "fundamental theory" covering the infinitely small and infinitely large.  While it should have wide application to the Newtonian world; it "appears" unrealistic (just as relativity does) until you look closely. The test of e-hologram theory is whether it makes relativity more logical in the Newtonian universe.  While it is discomforting to think that we exist in a singularity, the evidence is overwhelming (even though it could be evidence of something else).  Also, while e-hologram theory is a good model (so I say) to our universe, without a clear understanding of g-space; it has little fundamental application outside of our universe.  While we've delved into g-space; we have to go much deeper to have a more complete understanding (a hint to the title question).
Since it is Sunday, it's also good to remember that e-hologram theory allows for a type of god without depart from concepts or science and physics, i.e. a type of god becomes possible with the theory as well as prognostication which makes it colorful although those concepts are not requirements of e-hologram theory.

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