
Friday, June 28, 2013

genocide, pro life and the future

The same type of people who are pro-life are those who will condone genocide when there is no choice.  They will justify the death of entire generations in order to save those who are chosen according to their formulation, whether western, eastern or middle eastern.
Tonight I saw a show where they talked of creating a future of fairness given the unprecedented growth of population unmatched by an increase in resources.
Why prevent birth control when there are so many people that we must all die in our own excess?
Population must be controlled across the world and across all groups.
If we do not do it voluntarily, the choice is to have it done for us.   Pro-Life means giving up choices and starvation.  Is this really the will of God?  Why give us the ability to predict the future if we reject it.  And does not the story of Joseph teach just the opposite, that seeing the future we are to prepare for it?
The Chinese, farsighted enough to not only undermine the West, but to take all the resources of the west for their own, saw this and they have taken steps to control their population.  Even so the numbers are untenable for them and their conversion of our manufacturing might to themselves may allow them to watch the rest of the world eat itself or may just mean they will be a victim of their failure to teach their wisdom in favor of isolation.
Meanwhile, in the west, in the name of religious interpretation (not god), we doom the entire world, to the extent it still listens to us, to a horrible death of starvation, without enough for anyone.  This is not the future, it is the present in much of Africa and Asia.  Increasingly, it is a part of the west and we can walk the streets of the poorest neighborhoods in Bangladesh and Somalia and see our future.
We must be intelligent enough to put logic ahead of dogma, and yet we are not.
Not only do we fail to control our own populations, we fail to attempt to control others.
If we love one another, we must  seek to limit ourselves.  We were fruitful and we multiplied, now we ask ourselves, how many today in this one place until we can go somewhere else.  When we talk of fairness for future generations so that we can remain human, we must ask ourselves what is a human  if not an intelligence great enough to control its own numbers.
Those who refuse to control the populations today will kill each other for even less in the near future.  Such is the destiny of the crown of creation. 

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