
Saturday, March 19, 2016

nlc-AuT (Algorithm Universe Theory)-A flash in the pan or resilient?

I"ve been searching for a new name that is more descriptive and have finally found it.  NLC will die forever now.  This gives me two things.  One, I co-op the atomic symbol for gold and 'aut' is slang for naught which is slang for nothing and AUT is, after all, the theory of nothing and everying.  I am so clever som times, although apparently I've proven that clever doesn't exist.
The Algorithm Universe Theory applies to the idea that the only way to make everything exist at once without time, required by both Hologram theory and Einstein's musings is to have everything not exist except in terms of an algorithm written in some dimensionless environment which I call G-space.
Our universe is powered by irony, of that I'm pretty sure.  I might have said, like most pre-AUT poets (so much for pre-nlc, sigh) that it was powered by love.  The theory, after all, began and ends as a series of love letters.  Unfortunately, what love has done was left everything in ashes around me.  Worse still, in the process of destroying my world, I destroyed all your accomplishments as certainly as an asteroid hitting the earth.  I not only destroyed your worldly things, I killed all your religions, your gods, demons, angels, heavens and hells
not the god, of course.  The god or chalkboard of g-space isn't really changed much by AUT, at best it is a partial explanation.  I could probably provide a better one, given a little support, not sure why no one has handed me a big check yet.  That would be a start, but a week with access to everything at NASA and the Russian Space Agency, a couple of months at the CERN and a two year lecture chair at Stanford and I'd probably strip god naked, but even if I did that, he made me the voyeur and it is, after all physics, the outward show of the background algorithm, that told me to tell you (forced moved my hand over the keyboard) to tell the truth, against whatever volition I might have other wise had) what I saw staring through god's window as he wrote nakedly on his chalk board.  Not the most interesting god ever.  But even as he made me say this:
I should apologize for being smarter than everyone else.  He rendered my intelligence irrelevant.  Ironic, right?

So, is this theory, is the universe an instant equation gone tomorrow, a flash in the pan?  Is the chalkboard permanent or does it erase itself as soon as it's written by my naked god?  But its a universe of Irony-instantaneous creation means it can exist only for a quantum instant, time doesn't even exist, but for us the instant is the same as infinity and for me time without you stretches on forever.  Ironic

Only irony makes this appropriate.

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