
Sunday, March 13, 2016

trumpomania iii

The entertainment value of this gives one pause.  Should we invest more in the news networks pending the outcome of the election?
That's pretty good investment advice, but not the point of this post.  As I've mentioned, I'm no great fan of Trump or the establishment that rails against him.  I think he is a boon for all comedians, particularly those who have a pulpit in which to mock him.  How to invest in comedians?
Trump is also good for bloggers.  But is he a Nazi or something worse?  I don't think so, and perhaps that is what I might warm up to him.
  I reference this article which is more interesting than mine, but not necessarily more accurate:
What this critic misses is that this is all a big show.  Trump starts a riot, doesn't show up and captures 100% of the media coverage.  Even his opponents end up talking about nothing but him.  Does this work or fail?  Maybe it matters in the election, but in terms of theater it doesn't matter so much.  
Now the part about him being vague about how he'll deal with largely insurmountable problems is a pretty good argument until you look at some of the wacko solutions that he and others offer.  I'm a drug legalization/education fan personally, but if you're going to try to stop a multi-billion dollar trade with a wall, then you better build it so that it surrounds all points of entry or you're just pointing people to another direction.  It's foundation better go down a hundred feet.  But if you look at this, it's not just Trump that wants the wall.  Every frontrunner seems to be bound and determined to do something permanent before trying something relatively easy and reversible like legalization and treatment/education.
Complaining, at least if you're a republican of the current variety, that Trump is a xenophobic, oligarch bigot and a closet democrat doesn't really hold up. The founding fathers were oligarchs, don't remember any poor signatories, but there may have been one or two, they were bound and determined to drive out foreigners, and whether you think they were prejudiced or not, they were slavers. Donald Trump may be a bad boss, but he's not a slaver.
And while I agree that he's a closet democrat, that tendency is what is likeable about him, he's not invested in the wacko-right wing dogma although occasionally he does talk about it, he doesn't do so in a way that's very convincing.
Also, in terms of the hard core Republican base, I doubt that Trump is any more interested in assisting the poor than the average republican. If he is as a democrat interested in those type of solutions and if that's the worst thing you can say about him, well, that's not much of an insult to the god fearing Christian philosophy of helping the poor.
He Xenophobia is measured, and if he's driven by fear, then he's just being honest. He seems will to modify his craziness to modify exclusion to include our minorities. 
None of this appears worse than the science fearing, bedroom monitoring, do nothing congressional Rebublicans.
Stay out of our bedrooms, don't build a wall to keep people from going to Mexico to get abortions because they can't get them safely done here, at least try something logical and while I don't know the reasons for global climate change, its a historical and current fact and no one will need to win Florida when it's underwater so we'd better elect someone with an open mind because we need to plan for global warming and we need to be aware that if global warming is bad, global cooling might be worse.

So we can reject Trump outright as an unknown or we can say because we don't know that he may be lesser of two evils and even if he is a fascist perhaps he will do a better job of at least getting the trains to run on time, that is getting the economy to function in a less proper manner vis a vis our trading partners then the do-nothings. Also, I wrote the same book about that problem.
I think most of my readers see the possibility that what we have now is a political body with a small group of power mad incumbents who control the party process and do so in a way which is so paranoid it's essentially lost whatever moral High Ground they might have had when it comes to accusing one party or the other of being fascist.
I don't think Trump is the Manchurian candidate.  Even if he's way overblown his wealth, even if he's only worth, say, 100 million dollars, he's much to invested in capitalism to want to undermine it.  Unlike Hitler, he's not poor and has little incentive to raid the country's minorities in order to line his pockets.  If there's someone behind him, we'd want to look more closely, but this blog is about the Trump who flies his own private jet, probably a more luxurious transport than air force one, at least for Trump.

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