
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

AUT vol 1 forward

It looks like we're within 2 weeks of a publication date of volume 1 of the rewrite on NLC, although a couple of barriers have suddenly arisen.  It is if fate, seeing that it is about to be unlocked is fighting to prevent me from spending the time I need.
So perhaps it will be 4 weeks.
The forward has been rewritten in large part already and I will share it with you.
This book is the first completed edition of AUT, previously referred to as NLC.  The name Algorithm Universe Theory is more descriptive than the Non-linear coordinate theory name because the coordinates do not exist in a durable form in this theory.
In an algorithm universe and in a coordinate change universe, time is not a separate dimension in any fashion, instead it is merely the ability to observe the change in coordinates from one of at least two separate fixed quantum states.
While it would be relatively trivial to replace all uses of NLC with AUT, the two ae used interchangeably.  But the two are different.
In NLC “all” coordinates are static, but the exist in a fixed state.  In AUT the coordinates do not exist at all.  Instead, in AUT there is only an algorithm which “would” solve for the coordinates if the solution were sought.  In both all the events exist at once, but in AUT they exist only as potential solutions, not actual solutions, of the algorithms that define the universe.
In both, dimension changes or movements are all in one direction. Since they are static, the appearance of movement is illusory, but none of them move in two directions. What we perceive as dimensional coordinates changing in multiple directions (up/down; left/right; faster/slower) are merely slowing down or speeding up of a constant change along a single line, a change between conserved coordinate sets.
AUT, now primarily called Non Linear Coordinate Theory (NLC), sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for an independent predecessor, string hologram theory.  
NLC discloses a universe different from anything we experience but which explains our experience. It eliminates traditional views of space and time.  It even eliminates relativity.  While earlier versions correctly predicted that the Higgs Boson did not exist, this version eliminates even gravity and mass except as reflections of a richer and more predictable background.
Space-time limitations are replaced with more severe limits.  This is not an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time. Time and distance have no independent existence. We exist in the non-linear quantum moments that are solutions to algorithms at given points.  Our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are illusion.  Every moment exists simultaneously with every other one quantum moment point with every other quantum point.
Our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are an illusion.  These illusory acts of self determination do not even allow us to change a single dimension, we cannot slow them down, we only experience a relative slowing in a very narrow range primarily between space phenomena and black hole phenomena.  Physics in the broader range dictates that we do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us in a way that includes thought.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.

There.  not very satisfying, but nevertheless it is the forward.  The number of issues that are addressed-how fast things actually move in one direction as matter, for example, to support the hypothesis within the entire book is somewhat shadowed by the length of volume 1, perhaps a little over 1/2 of the original length.

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