
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

nlc-more support for multiple big bangs and intersecting spirals

After getting NLC at least mostly right, the rest of science comes across increasingly disappointing.
It's hard to be ahead of everyone else.
Today, however i will not bemoan ignorance, instead I'm going to talk about one issue in spiral theory.  spiral theory doesn't require an actual spiral, although technology suggests it is the case, instead spiral theory says there is a formula which is consistent and built from g-space that allows for complexity.
The consistency of time change suggests that all points along all spirals change at the same rate.  This suggests that compression involves not just intersection of spirals, but intersection at a single point, something that would look like this asterisk * for a given point, all spirals together at a point.
But there are other suggestions possible.
The model above shows intersection at common points, but it also shows intersections away from "line a" that join spirals and provide a relative perspective, but it also includes the possibility that past time states can be tied to present states relative to the main spiral, or in this case, the line marked "past."  In this drawing, the type suggested by time dilation, as the two lines coming off of line A intersect the line called past separate their perspective of change would alter
There are other ways for this speed change to vary, but this is a model which has to be fully developed and this is one possibility.
The other possibility is very similar and can also be seen in that one of the lines coming off of line A is longer and is, therefore, changing relative to its curves.
All of these models, given the need to find time dilation suggest the asterisk model is imperfect even though compression as consistent or tied change seems to be an important aspect of the model.
While the idea of past and present (or present and future or past and future) spiral overlaps seems inconsistent, that is not what is taking place in this case.  Instead, this is merely different algorithms interacting in a quantum moment.  Since there is not time as such, only position, the overlap of positions along algorithms changing at the same speed necessarily means that each quantum moment, regardless of the shape or layout of other algorithms are still part of a fixed quantum moment and all will change at a constant rate for the next algorithm.
Different shaped algorithms may result from features associated with the origin of the original algorithm.  In order to understand how this is possible, we can assume that algorithms have to arise from g-space in the same fashion that information originates.
It is understood that from a space where everything happens at once, a single yes/no bit would arise.  The F-series algorithm theory says that this particular series would build on itself, but in so doing, it would generate only a single growing curve, not sufficient information.   What one can imagine is that from this initial bit of information at each increase other information would be generated beginning, potentially, at the change in each stage.
In such a series you'd have something like this:
First Series F10-1, F21-2, F32-3
As the second series comes up it follows the same pattern but at a different level, i.e. F10,f1-2f20,f12-3f21-2.
But in such a series, the growth would continue not just from F1, but also F2 so at the next stage there would be F1 yeilding f3 and F2 yieldingF4 and so forth so that an enormous amount of information is generated from the increase
This creation would look like and function like intersecting spirals creating increased exponential compression as shown in the models for exponential growth based on intersecting spirals picking up intersected spirals.
(That drawing is not uploaded on the blog but you can see it on page 54 of the book)
The source of these algorithms is g-space which is not governed by limitations of time and space and hence the entire spiral can be built.  The intersecting spiral model allows that there is a set and stable universe that can increase even after yielding a fixed model thereafter as shown in the model for intersecting F-series whether linear or curved.
Using the model above, the completed box would represent a complete universe capable of compression with a fixed information.  The bottom line, however represents, where it continues past the complete box, another expansion of the universe.  This  would represent an increasing information but would not affect the set amount of information within the inner series but could result in a different type of compression universe as it is formed, even though this is inconsistent with a fixed universe.  However, there can be no net increase in information without changing the design of an otherwise fixed state universe.  However, this model does not require a fixed amount of information, nor does a universe which is self initiating have a built in method of terminating unlimited growth without some feature which changes the fundamental nature of growth.
For creationists, the stopping point would be a g-space entity creating a universe of limited maximum information.  For someone who accepts g-space but who see not intellect in it, there would have to be some model for determining a maximum amount of information, or the compression equation would have to be modified to allow for the total amount of information to increase in which case it is likely that compression itself is driven by the increase in size of the amount of information.
The driving of compression would be driven by having successive algorithms stacked from an infinite series which means that the total amount of compression at the innermost point in the spiral (made up of an enormous number (estimated around 10^100 bits at our stage of existence for each quantum instant) would be increasing constantly.

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