
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Non-linear time 24 and ever day events

Non-linear time theory fundamentally arises from several things, the conservation of time coordinates, for example.  It arises from the concept that time is potentially non-linear and that is is likely that in non-linear time everything happens at once.  While NLT does not reject the conflicting concept that non-linear time holds the "potential" for things to happen with linearity, the idea of potential makes less sense mathematically.  We reject the idea of predestination, but turn around and insist that every time certain chemicals are mixed together in certain quantities and under certain conditions the same thing will happen with them over and over again, at least on a macro level.  These are not reconcilable but instead require a blind adherence to the unproved concept of self determination.
When one attempts to reject self determination, funny things start to happen.  You watch presentations and you realize that these events are, under such a regime, pre-programmed, this is then joined by the fact that everyone observing it in the audience are pre-programmed.
You question this because you think you can change directions, take notes on the aberrations and write blogs, but if you are predestined to do all of things, then why not just be pre-programmed to die, which everyone dies.
It is critical to understanding the universe to make this determination and that it is mathematically possible to make this determination. Whether it actually is determinable by one who is in throes of a pre-destined universe is a complex question which Non-linear time theory seeks to answer.  And if the answer is in favor of predestination, then I've already written this and you've already read it.

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