
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

world War C and nationalized medicine

I'm not democrat or republican in these posts.  The reason is that if we are war with China, and we certainly are in effect if not in intent.  Of course, our exported economy is a democrat and republican phenomena.  That is they sacrificed our economy in order to remain in power.
The destroyed the critical middle class that not only acts as a bridge between the upper class and lower class but also acts as a social pressure release.  You need not collapse too quickly if there is a healthy middle class and you also have a method for rising which allows the poor to have hope.  Destroyed by our government by exporting manufacturing overseas.
While we cannot afford divisions of the idiocies that our congress uses to pit us against one another for their own accumulation of and now maintenance of decreasing power, congress depends on those to create teh illusion that they are not responsible.  It is the other side, half of us blaming the other half when it is the weaponized economy of the now superior (economically) chinese that has caused this.  This does not mean that suffering would not be associated with our joining the war, the weaponized economy requires cheap labor.
Likewise, the need for congressional reform and intelligence in government over different terms for both dealing with our immediate times and our futures is so great that given the inability of the government to be self healing requires a state constitutional convention.
And this brings us to Healthcare reform and why this law, passed with so little consideration to the effect on history and so much focused on just putting people into voting booths and not into hospitals is a problem.  It is not the law itself.  it is the method of implementation.
It was implemented nationally, not based on state experimentation.  It was put in place with the entire country and not tested.  Which is the way our government was set up, as an experiment, continuing by individual state action which, where it works, other states can adopt or adapt to it.
I want to write happy fiction, but as my predictions come true, I am forced to revisit these issues and remind you that I told you so..

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