
Thursday, April 5, 2018

The electron - proton pair and scale vs solution order

Don't even begin to think that I am avoiding the real life issues.  It is just that a complete response is more complicated to put into words than the theory of the underlying symmetry of the universe.  In due time you will get it, I hope.
I swam 2000 yards which was something of a minor feat, considering all things, it was late, I was tired going in, of course I feel better now and I did the 1000 im.
Equally important I went to a lecture last night by Kolbert which bears some further, more personal discussion, but the basic thrust of the lecture by someone who really had made a journalistic study (The sixth extinction I believe is the name of the book) is that we are killing ourselves, by killing the underlying planet and we'll pretty much have succeeded by 2100 which is not something that you want to hear, but it does fully support the idea in AuT that stupid is built into the underlying matrix and that our role in this phase of the universe is just to burn hydrocarbons until the earth is set by 20 to 50 million years, we've killed the oceans and most of the birds at which point for the benefit of most everything left we will die.  If it were not for the potential importance of our species as a shield against meteors I'd say there was very little bad to be said for the death of the last of the great apes, but perhaps that is a way to inject some anti-stupid in the system.  We can hope.
But that has nothing to do with this post, just everything to do with us.
The idea of the electron proton pair changed in book 8.  It now appears likely that the proton-electron pair are a complete neutron along with the intervening cloud, just a neutron that is the process of breaking up or staying together because of destabilizing changes in the constituent parts.  Until the alignment goes one way or the other, it stays is a wavelike flux with the anchoring minimum size electron, the swarm of intervening ct3 states carrying history from one time to the other and the proton anchoring the more secure end.
To understand this you can think in terms of how dimension arises from the apparent folding and why the intervening states have a smaller and smaller effect:
At the very high levels of compression even those at the photon wave interface, the common solution order or the alignment plays a bigger role in common speed than the solution order and even subsumes the lower states as just transient differences.
One element of high compression leading to each new dimesional state is that at each exponential jump the number of intervening states relative to the massive common solution order of the larger states becomes much less important allowing for the "dimensional effect."  The first truly visible example is the electron-proton pair which are essentially a complete neutron, but there is so much intervening free ct3 (not on an information arm) and so much of the free intervening states that it appears to be less stable than it actually is, being a complete neutron in principle.  The intervening lower states in the proton electron pair are just part of the matrix.
The big question for AuT is not the structure, but why the structure is so stable and why it stays together during the ct5 information arm formation that the forces joining neutron and protons together in the nuclear and atomic shells reflect.
It seems very likely that lower ct states have similar but less dense sharing that reflects this but the amount of reflected overlap through the massive folding results in ct4 states allows a much more solid structure and mass reflects the inter connectivity of non aligned but folded together ct3 states joined by those resulting math solutions.
There are massive tears throughout the spatial system that accompany the movement of these parts and on earth those are represented by wars, volcanic movements and other features.  In a relatively still planet or planetoid such as a dead asteroid the lack of movement indicates that through some prior upheaval or coincidence all of the aligned particles were originally close together.
These scales hide the true potential of the universe in that we may be only part of a much larger universe.  While we have certainly no more than ct6 or maybe, but unlikely 7 potentially visible in our universe, probably a single six in the center, our universe might be one of many linked by the common ct6 core dimensional states that we cannot perceive except by the gravitational pull which nets our regionally in the universe as shown by logic and the spread of "dark matter" which in aut is the net plus vrs minus of the spatial material involved.
Book 2 is shaping up to be important but most of this can be found in books 7 and 8.

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