
Sunday, April 1, 2018

The misconception of collission

This is strange for me
The source of all that is strange
it is quiet, dark before day
a nothing deeper than any night
a loneliness more real
than any desert or prison
a beginning of some ending
in a world embodying in
underlying physics stupidity
I who see it most clearly
am the one most governed
by everything evil
It will be so bright outside
I had the sun once
and now I only have
the invisibly distant stars

Here's another section from the same post:

There are some misconceptions in how the "collision" is being viewed.  Time is an effect, so any discussion of velocity or energy is misplaced in a discussion of "quantum" change.  For example: You have a proton  (a ct3-ct4 transitional state) which can be viewed as compressed wave states, surrounded by other free waves (ct3) in turn surrounded by photons (ct2) in turn surrounded by space (ct1)   As the number of ct1 states change velocity is the result over a set number of changes but this can be frozen at any quantum moment and the relative number of ct1 states "counted".  As two of these proton bundles approach one another the resulting bundle alters as the two bundles mix but you don't have actual quantum collision or "different" particles because you only have the 4 different states to work with.  These "compress" to the next state according to set rules which create state changes when the number of intervening states is reduced (otherwise they "appear" to separate because of intervening ct1 states (fly apart if the ct1 states increase).  This prevents violation of the exclusion principle and allows for an observed universe of co-existing dimensions.

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