
Monday, April 30, 2018

The List-revisited for Book 3 (3rd edition-not ready yet, but probably this week)

New Posts will take the information from Book 5's the list and update it.
The introduction for the first slide is set out below, an introductory slide showing how even AuT which is perfect in its way, must evolve.
That last post was actually one of the slideshow, and was written after this one, but I thought it was worth posting first given its subject matter.

I often wonder why I was shown this insight.  Perhaps it has to do with the built in irony of the system, a way of telling me that just as we see the secret of the universe, that the end is here or at least close. 
It needn't be for some reasons, but for others there isn't much we can do.
I often point out that AuT provides for our stupidity as a race even while allowing individual stupidity.
Mustard Gas was colorless and odorless and took hours to take effect so it could kill more efficiently and limit the effectiveness of gas masks.   We have replaced that with ultrasonic missiles carrying nuclear warheads whose true power is not fully appreciated because we are too dumb to extrapolate what is mathematically obvious and instead look at old videos of much smaller bombs and say, like that but bigger.
Irony is funny from a distance, the head of the EPA doesn't care about the environment.  With all those bombs we have no prepared plan for dealing with "death from space" despite its near certainty mathematically.
I talk about how our mundane little attempts at space are a reflection of the underlying super symmetry.  In this respect,we can look at how much history is destroyed to launch a spaceship. I am not talking about the non-durable human kind, but that locked up in rocks.  We have to separate that out and eliminate the old history in the rocks and build a new history in the missile.  This is important because it is an example of how non-durable our version of time,that we rely on so much, is.  It proves as much as anything else how wrong our notions of thermodynamics are. Well,were if you include me.
Of course, if the end is near then it isn't like there is anything we could do about it anyway.  If we were, somehow, a challenge to super-symmetry it could send as many asteroids as it wanted, erupt super volcanoes, solar flares, could just release us to kill ourselves.

1.      Slideshow 4 The List:

Mysteries of the universe explained with this theory; from the big bang to wave particle duality (from book 5)
Explanations for many phenomena come forward to “prove” the validity of the theory.  AuT explains why there is a strong and weak force and what they represent in the same way that magnetism is explained.
However, the explanationws, while complete, can be confusing.  An example comes with electromagnetism.


At first  AuT viewed it as an intermediary photon state.  This is consistent entirely with pre-AuT physics.  However, the wave-particle duality provides an interesting alternative and gravity also rears its elegantly coifed head.
GRAVITY: Originally Gravity was looked at from the positive/negative fpix solution, one grows the other shrinks the universe.
However, now it appears that gravity is the filling or unfilling (anti-gravity/dark energy) of the CT2 (one-dimensional) information arms with the zero-dimensional ct1 solutions.  This gives both the toward and away from dimension required and is consistent with other forces, while providing a difference.
Once you accept this, then EM can no longer be the transitional state of filling out or transitional photons.  Instead it is the more logical transitional wave states, filling out the ct3 information arms.
Hence AuT has to adapt to its own logic.

          In this way, AUT goes farther.  It explains why there is a geometry and how it comes into existence, not based on false force concepts, but based on a single variable algorithm. 
          While AuT isn't finished, fundamentally, it is laid out in terms of equations and operations. 

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