
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Universe as a string from Book 2 3rd edition

The universe can be thought of as a very complicated string which is constantly being bunched together and pulled apart at every point (as a function of fpluspix), a string of math solutions where the results allow the perception of stacking and unstacking the results to create multiple “places” changing together giving the effect of dimensions for “net” areas of the string.
These figures (from later in book 2) shows how information is entrapped as dimensions are added in a couple of different views.  The scales are significantly greater than can be easily shown, but the concept remains relatively simple.  In this drawing the c and b in the top and the g and h in the bottom show how information can be pulled from any quantum point toward decompression (or compression) and this very simple process is what drives the universe and a next expanding universe generates net entropy by the simple expedient of more of these changes going out than in.

          While this may sound too simple, the underlying symmetry of the universe explains many things.  When you look at the entire population and say, for example; “we’re killing ourselves, how can we be so stupid when individually we are so smart?” AuT provides an answer.
          Hard as it is to believe, when we launch a rocket into space and I use the voyager probe as one of the fastest and farthest of our undertakings we are not actually choosing to do this on a quantum level, instead we are following the dictates forced upon us at the quantum level.  Worse still, every individual is governed by this underlying symmetry.
          Indeed, we probably do not have the technology to affect this since our actions are time and dimension dependent and the ultimate control of the universe is at a time and dimension independent level, even though it is simple.  The change this, we’d have to be able to break or change the underlying algorithm.  While probably impossible, it is an undertaking worth studying.
          This third edition is the first edition to include some of these drawings although the entire undertaking is part of eight books.
          In order to attempt to present this concept 5 figures (some containing multiple figures) are presented.  Detailed discussions of these figures follow in other published books so for this presentation only a superficial treatment is given.
          Before getting into the drawings it is important to understand that this is not a fancy new math like the Standard Model. Instead this theory is based on some fundamental mathematical principles and a moment to discuss those is worth a few minutes.  Again, a detailed explanation of each of these is covered in the other books.
This chart shows the compression levels which are covered which are a function of the Fibonacci number of reach stage of compression and 2^n compression.  These are largely observed, the best discussion appearing in book 8.  However, ct1 is space (dimensionless) ct2 is photonic results (one dimension); etc.  All these dimensions exist together, but we wrongly assign them multiple dimensions because of our post super symmetry perception.  Obviously black holes would have 4 dimensions.
Time is not relevant since it is an effect and not an underlying dimension.
Complicating the analysis is the transitional states between these as they build up or break down along the 2^n compression arms or information arms.
Before we get to compression we have pi:
This chart shows a break down of how the denominator of the ratio for pi is generated. There are two parts of the pre-dimensional universe. The first is the alternating series -1/1 which is called ct0.
          The second is the actual denominator referred to as “fpluspix” and the reason for these is covered in the section of this book “Durability and Curvature.”  This solution plus solution order is what we call space and ct1 in this discussion.  It exists without dimension. Each point in space varies according to fpluspix alternating between pushing apart and pulling together which has profound ramifications in how the algorithm expresses itself.

          Figure 1 shows what the “line” looks like as it builds from ct0 (-1^n organized by solutions order) through black hole compression. The one below is referred to as "Concept String" and that means it is not actually an accurate representation which would be difficult to draw as much as a very rough part of a concept that requires many drawings, but not so many formulas which are set out together in the beginning of book 8.
Figure 1 concept string
Ct1 “substitution” or ct1 sharing turns out to be nothing more complicated than the compression (bunching) or decompression (unbunching) of this string at different placed throughout the universe, most notably at the middle portion where galaxies form. 
The sharing of states between these compressed ct3 and higher states can be thought of as non-quantum entanglement.  As the line regionally decompresses, it pulls the entangled higher ct states with it, spinning them and giving motion to the universe.
The sun burns slowly because the net effect is slow.  The universe in large and small parts spirals (one way or the other) because of the pull of this string, primarly unwinding now.

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