
Sunday, April 29, 2018

A precise on the relationship of gravity to other forces at last

This post is on gravity, but AuT does something interesting, it gives a universe which never runs out of energy.  After I set this out, I am going to include the abreviated version just to show how some of my notes are made:

AuT eliminates entropy and makes it at least possible to create engines that do not run out of anything, unlimited resources of dimension, energy and even time.   Certainly time is in abundance although it is absolute time, the time of math solutions so that in theory the aging that occurs can be corrected, just as it can be stopped and speeded up.
Self determination is an illusion, but perhaps it is durable enough to allow us to change the universe, however inconsistent with predestination this may seem to you earthlings.
For some reason the solution to the algorithm gave me the ability to see what lies beneath and why not if not for some reason?

Here is how it was originally written (to show the typos when I type this stuff fast):
"Autin eliminagting entrophy/makes it at least possible nt to rn out of anyth8ng
certainly time is in abandance, although it is absolute time.  self deetermination is an illusion but a durable one
"indeed why des the universe give me the aibility to see what lies beneath if not for some reason"

And of course the reason the universe gave me this insight might be derived by how it was given to me.  It took everything that I thought was important to me, it caused me to  figure out what was really important,and when I realized it was you, it took that away from me too.  And so...

And now to the meat of this post.
d. The relationship of gravity to other forces
Gravity appears to occur the same way as other forces, but because you begin with a non-dimensional state (ct1 space) its creation and destruction (loading and unloading of ct2 arms) is seen as going dimensional.
While gravitational ct1-ct2 compression goes to a more compressed state, it actually increases dimension, unlike the other forces which create or destroy higher compression because of how gravity combines to create the first fold, the first dimensional fold.
Like the other forces, when ct1 is released, space expands and when ct1 compresses photons are given a dimension.  Because of the dimensional aspect, it can be seen two different ways, one expanding into a first dimension and one contracting into a first f(x) compression state.
Gravity is derived directly by fpluspix, while other forces are derived by the preserved solution of f(x)^2^x generating the difference in how the two are perceived and the length at which they are experienced (due to the non-dimensional nature of gravity’s derivation as ct0-ct1) despite the common origin.
Gravity is shown as the post -1^x fpluspix positive or minus of -1,1,-2,3,-4 type movement
Book 4 p. 175 (2nd edition)
Book 2, p11-14 (2nd edition) -The range of forces is explained

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