
Friday, December 5, 2014

NLT forward

I'm now well under way with the second edition of NLT.  I'll probably be in a position to publish it by the end of the year, but if you are looking for a Christmas present...well it wouldn't make much of a present anyway.  If you wait long enough maybe you'll be able to buy a float car because someone else buys it.

I'm going to share some of the second edition. 
I think perhaps any technology that gets far enough to develop NLT would fail because to continue working on it after you begin to believe it is only possible if your neurosis outweigh you intelligence.  Lucky for you that I have lots of neurosis, not much intellect.

 Soon to be out of print First Edition

The second edition of this work was planned even as the first edition was being published.  Likewise, a third edition is in the works even as the second edition gets ready for print.
One problem with NLT is the name.  Sadly, there is another NLT theory which has almost nothing to do with this one.  However, few terms are as descriptive as NLT.
Non linear time theory sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for string hologram theory.  
NLT discloses a universe vastly different from anything we experience.
It eliminates traditional views of space and time, envisioning an environment where those limitations do not apply.  This is vastly different from an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time.  This environment is one where time and distance have no existence.  It is as if those two critical elements of our perception, space-time, were created for no reason other than our ability to perceive them.  It suggests that we exist in the non-linear space and that our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are only illusion.  It requires that every moment exists simultaneously with every other moment that every quantum point exists with every other quantum point.
It suggests that our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are but an illusion.  We do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.

The theory is as much a terror as a triumph.

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