
Friday, November 28, 2014

NLT-A peak into the land of god 8 of 10 why don't the numbers line up perfectly part cat

NLT is all about solving problems.  It is also about internal consistency.
We've eleminated the Higgs Boson.  But we still have this whole question about reality.  Oh how irritating it is to have to handle these issues without a secret cave laboratory!
Anyway, you are sitting there thinking this whole NLT doesn't work because it explains other situations, black holes, gravity and such, but what have I done for reality lately,the boring day to day life you have to live because you are not mad like I am.  Well, there's an explanation for that.

The question that NLT will answer today (without the cave) is why NLT makes your trees and flowers possible even though time remains non-linear.  We live in a universe of quantum phenomena, but we keep find them as waves when we look closely.  Yes we call the waves strings, well I don't but some people do,  But they're still both quantum phenomena and non-quantum phenomena...or aren't they?
The reasons why large systems have quantum aspects that disappear is because of...exponential compression and the transitions they represent.   That is, these are quantum phenomena, they are quantum items of compression, but on close examination, if you look close enough one quantum system breaks down into the prior system.  As long as compression remains the quantum elements exist, but as you get to small enough states, as you divide them, you see the previous time state, that is once the compression level is small enough, you loose sufficient concentration to remain stable.

And so the end game is to figure out how to generate a state where it is sufficiently non-linear to overcome gravity, a negative gravity state so your cars will float like the Jestons.  It will definitely happen faster if I get the the cave.

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