
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

NLT-A peak into the land of god 2 of 10 views of godspace.

I have given up on educating anyone.  It isn't that they are too far behind me, I now can see, however, that the only reason to finish this is because I have finished it already.  There is nothing in here for you or I because we are nothing.  NLT is the ultimate horror, the determination that we are no more than fish in a fishbowl.    Well, maybe I'm more than goldfish, I am the Steven King of science.  Read on at your peril.

As has been discussed all 4 coordinates in matter are identical.  There are no 3 dimensions and time, there are only 4 changing coordinates, each identical to the others.  Compression requires that 4 change at once, but each is unique even though via compression and linearity the appear to stay within a reasonable distance of one another.  Fundamental particles combine and take on different characteristics, but at the quantum level there is nothing but compression at the rate of 10^16 allowing forces of combination, strong and weak nuclear forces, to form to maintain the concentration and for 4 coordinates to change close enough together to allow for the appearance of 3 dimensional space plus time.   We already know that different time states (CT3, for example) only "experience" two dimensional space and others (CT5 for example aka black holes) experience 4.  While historically the movement along one is expected to yield time, this appears unnecessary in NLT because linearity may be a common function to all 4 changing coordinates.

In addition is can be seen that the destruction of one state (via e.g nuclear explosion or dispersion of light rays into photons) necessarily releases the consequent forced, in a burst of energy which decreases exponentially from black hole destruction down to the destruction of photons into space.

At the event horizon, it appears that the theory from EHT holds true and that at least some matter is converted back into energy and possibly energy is converted.  The question arises whether there is a transition between space and photons.   It is not witnessed and yet it should be a relatively easy transition.  The best answer is probably a reference back to the non-dimensional orbit theory of energy states.  The argument would be that gravity is involved and that if the transition were to occur it would somehow be at the expense of gravity, although that state is one lower.  However, this is just 2 of 10.  The true horror remains to be arrived at.

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