
Sunday, November 16, 2014

NLT-A peak into the land of god 4 of 10 views of godspace-the answer to all your questions?

There is a unique inquiry afoot.  The answers to the fundamental questions of the universe continue.
We have the solved the question of the event horizon.  To recap, the event horizon reflect matter falling into an orbit about a black hole which is a high gravity ct5 state as a result of 10^32 matter or energy-a question yet to be fully explored, but to be answer in principle here, into a single particle of clock time 5.  The way to determine the very interesting question of scale is to see what the minimum size of a black hole is.  What are there two choice and why does it appear to be 10^32 fundamental particles of matter?
First, there are two choices because if you are talking about decisions based on the simple formula 2^n as n changes from 0 to infinity in whole numbers, the bit coordinate increase than presumably you are talking about a decision based system where the number of possible outcomes are directly related to the initial state.  However, this does not appear to be what is happening.
Instead, as the clock time states increase, the each clock time state becomes the fundamental unit of change.  That is you start with non-linear time and 2^0 which is 1, one bit, plus or minus.  Then you go to the photonic state 2^1 or 2 where there are two possible choices reflected in a two dimensional state, but the resulting force is a one dimensional force, gravity (it cannot pull dimensionally, it can only pull to non-linearity).  In a normal informational system, a coin flip for example, the next example would be to have 3 coins tossed at once, but instead the concentration appears to be that of the compressed state. 2^4 of the two dimensional state.  This process continues so that at the transition between matter and energy you have 10^16 fundamental units of energy for each fundamental particle of matter.  Keep in mind this is only a scale function, a question of what happens when you go from 10^8 to 10^16, you see a transition in terms of fundamental particles of one type to fundamental particles of the next.  The same result appears to be consistent with the scale of black holes.  While ct5 particles (black hole individual particles) would be very large indeed if they were merely 10^32 fundamental particles of energy, they appear instead to follow the pattern set by matter (and presumably by the lower states) in terms of the amount of concentration necessary to have a stable unit.
Around this incredibly powerful gravity source, matter and energy are drawn, but even though they fall towards the singularity, they cannot reach it.  They cannot even transition from their current states to a CT5 state unless they reach a stable quantity, at least not permanently.  Laboratory data from particle accelerators indicates that temporary black holes can form.  These would be high energy states where an isolated concentration of matter occurs which doesn't have the concentration to be stable but is sufficiently concentrated to attain features of CT5.
This would indicate that in the high concentrations around a black hole, those at the event horizon and perhaps closer, the concentrations approach CT5 states and the speed with which the matter and energy "drop" towards the point get faster and faster flattening out the orbits and creating a situation where it is presumed that (1) the concentration approaches CT5 without permanently being able to arrive leading to an easy transition between those states (matter and CT5 since the energy is sufficiently compacted to transition into matter and (2) the "disk of material (matter and energy changing into matter) approaches an infinite flatness allowing for an easy transition to the two dimensional states of energy and the flattened matter.  (3) Presumably in between you'd have a highly concentrated state of matter at such a high energy state that it would be difficult to distinguish it from either energy or CT5.
What is seen is that much of this matter remains in orbit, increasing the gravity of the black hole (CT5) until a second unit of black hole is created (2x10^32 would be the starting point, but not the ending point.
The largest black hole is approximate 17billion times as large as the sun.
The smallest black hole is 6.3 suns.  So we can say that a "hydrogen black hole" is 6.3 suns, a "helium black hole" is 12.6 suns.  These very rough numbers can be worked backwards to get the size of fundamental units of other items (10^32 into 6.3 suns would tell you the size of the smallest particle of matter under this theory although that a very rough number).
So what is this 17 billion sun version of the black hole?  Clearly it is not much different that a larger atom or a molecule perhaps.  In between the individual units of the black hole you would find the compressed type of matter that you find around the event horizon.  This compression is such that there is not much room for space, photons or energy, but those states would probably be transitional states.
This model gives rise to the question of what you would see around a helium atom.  We have been led to expect that there's a lot of space in there.  While the gravity is not enough to join everything together, we know that there are unique forces at work and it is possible that the forces at work are such that energy is held within the minimum matter state in a similarly fluid arrangement, presumably transitioning between photonic forces and ever temporary matter states.  Of course, because there gravitational effects are less, we might want to discount that, but we're working with the same equations and as r becomes very small, the effect on the masses makes them approach infinity whether we like it or not, that is we are at very small separation distances compared to the mass and there are reasons to believe that some similarities exist.
In fact, it seems likely that the very substance of matter is related to the transition state, the matter-event horizon and the relatively fluid transitions that can occur here.
So dimensions are not dimensions.
Coordinates are not dimensions
Multiple coordinates identify the position of one quantum time point relative to another, but there is always some separation unless compression is sufficient (temporarily or permanently) to allow new forces to come into play, or to amend the existing forces, by increasing the informational efficiency of the clock time by a complete state (integer 0, 1, 2, 3, etc) as each ct state transitions to the next.  In between transitions, there appears to be sufficient concentration to allow for transitional states to exist, at least for high density matter (radioactive isotopes) and high enough density black holes to have quasar characteristics.
It can be presumed that the force changes that allow black holes to stay together, super-dupe strong and weak forces for lack of a better name; correspond in some way or derive in some way from the strong and weak forces holding energy together in sufficient concentrations to be stable and, when sufficient amounts of matter are formed in proximity (radioactive isotopes) to create transition states.
The lower the clock time of the point in question, the fewer simultaneous changes define the position at once but the faster they can occur.
Coordinates correspond in function to information on the location of a point and to a bit of information with two states.
We theorize this process continues indefinitely, each transition occurring where r goes to zero (in the gravity equation) meaning at an infinite concentration of the prior state which much "jump" from this near infinity to the next higher clock time.  At some point in time, the transition "jumps" to non-linearity and we start the process over again.
This, of course, is an over simplification, but all the operative components are present.
The "measurement" of the these relative black holes (point black holes vs the orbit of neptune) provides additional support for the theory, because the "space" perceived (in the largest example outward to the orbit of neptune) must be occupied by something, in this case the transitional material (matter transitioning to energy CT3 states which may also transition to lower ct states and ct5 states) at high concentrations, true for black holes, and presumably true for lesser energy states, even those as dispersed in terms of concentration as wave energy.  There appears little dispersion in photonic states and photons appear to be point sources themselves, but we should not be fooled by our prejudices since we know that a unique transition of force occurs from the prior discussions. 

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