
Friday, November 7, 2014

NLT-Second edition and Grant application 3

It can be argued that the work shown here is not complete or extensive enough,  this work shows several things:  the minimum and fundamental size of black holes, defines a black hole is, it eliminates the need to look for things that don’t exist such as worm holes and small, permanent black holes or other non-consequential potential aberrations. It eliminates the idea of a hologram universe, although that is replaced to some extent by a singularity.  The singularity, however, is easy to find since everything around us is a part of it, past, present and future.  It redefines the concept of what randomness and entropy.  It provides for the first time a fairly clear basis for understanding what standard clock time is and it provides a basis for understanding why smaller and smaller particles are associated with larger particles. It provides a basis for determining the origin of forces and dimensional characteristics and this is only a project which was no more than a very loose concept 24 months ago without any funding and is now relatively definitive.  While the mathematics are surprisingly elegant in their infancy, it has already been determined that the exponential growth formula defines time states which defines time as a two state bit which is a large conceptually step forward.

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