
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Obama and the republican congress

Is there anything as traditional as war in the Middle east?  One really hates to see a democrat going to war.  It makes the whole united nations thing seem so pointless.
One might ask why ask congress when most wars seem to largely be the result of executive "privilege".  But you can hardly blame this president for asking permission to kill people without a clear goal.  After all, with both houses of congress against him, he might be embarrassed, finding himself leading the charge with no army behind him.
And, of course, wars in the middle east have gone so well for Russia, the United States, the west in general.  Well, at least it will help put us into poverty quicker and we can turn the reins of running the world over that much quicker to the Chinese.  Let them figure out how to deal with mess?
It makes me wonder if there is anyone in government who has read the decline and fall of the roman empire.  Probably not, the classics are wasted on the would be false bourgeois who are instead an oligarchy, read my other book if you want to know how to deal with it, but of course you don't have the time.
There is no right way to fight the war in the middle east.  If you were, for example, to say that you will wipe out all religions that refuse to be inclusive, would you not create a paradox of sorts?  And if you go the traditional route, the western powers vs all of the Muslim faith, can you really stomach the hypocrisy?
So we will destroy our economy, pounding our heads to a pulp in a war that we don't even know how to win and the desert will absorb the bombs and the blood as it has always done and the west will be left destitute and vulnerable to its real enemies.
And who does Obama have to thank for this mess that he plans to dive into?  Why none other than George Bush the second.  The president who watched the Russians bankrupt themselves against Afghanistan and then, heedless of the lesson throwing himself into the desert for no better reason than that his knowledge of cause and effect and history was too shallow to provide him any guidance, at least that is how it appears from the perspective of history.  But he did show Saddam that he couldn't go and blow up buildings in the United States, not that Saddam ever attempted to do that directly or indirectly.
So President, go to Congress and lets find someone appropriate to kill in the Middle East.  It will set a right proper standard for those who follow and for those who survive the bombs we drop.  Don't worry about a plan embodying long term, medium term and short term intelligence.  We won't be around long enough to use them all.
Alas, alas babylon.

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