
Monday, November 10, 2014

Like (as if) the failure to find the Higgs Boson is news to me.

Particle Discovery is not Higgs Boson Say Scientists - Dumb-Out shared via

So here is some of the language from page 56 of NLT (published in September 2014):  This is where I say the "Higgs Boson" Doesn't exist, despite the "Nobel prize stuff".  Yeah, I'm going to milk this for all its worth, even though it offends all my readers, but I went out on a limb telling the physics cabal they were all wrong, that's a pretty big leap of faith, and my concept is still the right one.  We'll see what tomorrow holds.  For now:

From page 56:

To understand this we need to look at some additional measurements and we’re going to examine something “huge”, the Hydrogen atom. First, however, we’re going to stick with the individual particles. We’re going to look at Planck length (above) a little more; and fundamental particles. and can be viewed as a reference

Despite the enormous (relative) size of fundamental particles, as we break them down, we end up with sizes where dimensional features begin to break down (see the size requirements of electrons, for example).

There are at least 16 predicted fundamental particles. Since NLT doesn’t care about fundamental particles as particles, the number and type is largely an unnecessary fiction, but like the larger particles, an important fiction. The “17th” fundamental particle, the “higgs boson” doesn’t exist in NLT and isn’t a fiction worth considering (in NLT). This doesn’t mean that a time state can’t be found that could be mistaken for H-B particles; just that the Higgs-Boson is one of many “crutches” pre NLT physics needs to explain things which are intuitive in NLT.

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