
Friday, March 16, 2018

Outliers (done)

I think it is necessary to have a high degree of exclusion to recognize errors, whether its the shape of the earth or the underlying symmetry of the universe.
I get ridiculed, but when I ask simple questions "why can't waves be two dimensional" they scorn me.  At the same moment, in the same breath, they use a two dimensional surface to represent a massless object and add a third dimension to give it mass.  In other words, they use AuT constant while ignoring that they are doing it!
In some cases, these are the most brilliant minds in the world.
Another good example is time.  I point out that time disappears when you go to two dimensions (and the resulting light speed, which we know isn't speed at all) and it disappears when you have gravity that eliminates ct3 exchange (or severely limits it) at gravitational black holes.  This is their science, not mine.  And yet faced with this, they do not say, "by greg, george, you're absolutely right, time is an effect and not dimension."  Instead they say, you don't understand, when I do very much.  They say "time is change" when Einstein pointed out that everyone had their own time, defying a common source of change.  Indeed the counter below the level of time is change in the universe, but that is decidedly not what we call time.
Why am I the cast away?  Because I'm an outlier.  Had existence not cast me aside in every respect, wealth, position, love, and brilliance; I would not have the insight to see through the self delusions that keep supporters of absurd politicians supporting them, for example; indeed this reflects the consistency, the near but imperfect redundancy that AuT forces on the universe at this central place.
This post embodies concepts which alone are irrefutable evidence of AuT once viewed without prejudice.  Indeed there is an exercise here for anyone who doesn't realize what has been done in the 7 books of AuT which only takes 10 minutes.  Let's do it.
Say that nothing you've ever learned is sacred.
Then look at the universe in this way for 10 minutes:
1) Dimensionless space, and each of the 4 dimension exist together, we see the lower dimensions dimension-ally because we observe them from a 3 dimensional point of reference and ct5 (4 dimensional black holes) disappear because we cannot see the 5th dimension.  Think about how mathematically this can be represented by place (1 place of 0 dimension, 2 for 2, etc).  Then look at the underlying math and ask, it this model not built into the very definition of pi itself, which otherwise is not even a real number?
2) Step 2: Think about where time appears and disappears; and ask if there is anything so special about it that it has to be a dimension.  When you conclude the obvious, ask yourself if there is any problem with a single quantum change giving rise to quantum frames that hold the universe one at a time.
These two things alone open up everything else.
Its weird, but it is so incredibly obvious, that it has to be right, because only the structure of redundancy in the interwoven sequential universes is strong enough to blind everyone to what is so obvious once you release your prejudices.
So what am I?
I am the bit of nothing in the universe that has been shredded by the system, cast out from the stream of unity, left naked under the rain, watching the stars peak out between thunderstorms, alone, saying I don't fit in, why not?  And then realizing that because I am cast out, I can see the foolishness within.
And what are you?  You are the one watching the mad man, naked in the rain, trying to decide whether he is mad or whether you are.

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