
Monday, March 12, 2018

The weak force in AuT 1 of 2 (at least) done

The important AuT takeaway is this:

Mass is what 3d and higher states experience.  Lower states which are 1 (photon) or 2(wave) dimensional when viewed from 3d appear to not have what we call mass.  I'd suggest the two-dimensional movement given to the photon (which only has one of its own) is the two that us 3-d characters have to give it to understand it from our "flatlander" perspective.
I will have to edit this substantially, but the second part (after the pictures) is particularly interesting, beginning with the title "Beta Decay."
AuT strives to ignore the witchcraft of modern quantum mechanics. It must, however, address the solidity of the electron/proton pairing and the consistency of the beta force of the weak force in some manner.  The math appears in earlier books, but this is an attempt in time to set out some parameters.
It should be remembered that in our "middle" area of the universe, we have neither excessively short or long values fpluspix compared to the edges of the universe, but they are certainly extremely long.
In this way, the negative and positive charges of individual points may be changing quickly and spontaneously compared to the larger ct states, but once applied to the time frame of change, their changes as a group are very slow.
The electromagnetic force is 10^36 in scale and Weak is 10^25.  Sadly neither of these scales makes a lot of sense in terms of relative strength compared to the Strong force, but; as set forth in this discussion, the application of the forces is different.
Weirdly both Electromagnetic (photon) and gravity have an infinite range, but it can be seen why because there is no gravity of transitional space-quasi photons and none in the creation of dimension which is associated with gravity.  It is felt that the two are both free of time based limitations and at least in part both are pre-dimensional.
If a single point changing disengages a ct4 chain, then protons would burst apart on a regular basis and indeed in a limited sense, in fission, this is seen.  Even so, the decay seems to follow some essential patterns, although most of these can be seen as a release of the strong force and weak force along with a reduction of ct4 states and transitions to lower wave forms without a memory of the electron  bundle.
The suggestion is that the majority of these transitions occur in such a way that they generate both a stable electron bundle and a cloud of lesser particles, not betas, but smaller wave bundles that either break down or recombine.  The exact result requies more study.
To continue this, we will look to the Weak force in QED:
Short range, same reasons in AuT-it is an effect of breakdown of ct4 uniform charge sufficient to break apart the neutron into the electron and proton, two transitional states and to free up ct1, ct2 and lesser ct3 states which would otherwise stablize the transitions from positive to positive or negative to negative (theorized matched sets as shown in the drawing below for ct0, 1 and 2 (although 0 and 1 appear to function according to pi mathematics and not strictly follow the f-series model.
Beta decay
          Key step in cycle powering the sun:
              P-P fuses into p-n +(e++ve). The parenthetical is W+ bozon.  A Z0 boson uncharged is also envisioned.
          This is basic substitution.
          Change in quarks (d and u-beta radiation) 
          QED- carries charge and that beta radiation must carry this charge.
          Uses weights as: m=E/c^2
                   Specifics: mp=.938GeV/c^2 vs N .940
          QED-Beta is part of one D Q given off when it goes to U(up).  Beta Charge is negative due to D/U -1/3 to2/3
AuT has a similar set up, but with information coming off based on base state changes, but having an overall charge associated with the electron cloud.
AuT: Decay is a little misleading because its just a transition of information.  while the compression is less, the information doesn't change in its essential function and whether it is entropy or anti-entropy in bulk or locale, that will change.
Carrying charge and energy may be similarly misleading.  Charge, is both a quantum state and a net quantum value depending on the perspective.  Charge is an effect and not a force, but the net effect is the same up to a point.
Charge carried by electron-their energy and electrons associated -QED-all should have the same value, instead a continuous spectrum which follows the AUT idea of the cloud of charged states, but why are these even predictable given the varies within the entire arm.
          1930-57: solution- Extra particle idea is called neutrino which was “discovered” and called V(e)- which carries part of electron charge
          A “Gauge boson” W- carries this and breaks down into V(e)- and e- and these W bosons are the “weak force carriers”
          Electrically neutral boson:  w(0) never observed and instead you see a zed particle (heavier version of w+ or w-.  Non-zero mass is difference with w which mass is 80.4/c^2 giga ev, 80 times as heavy as neutron. 
          AUT sticks its head up:  W has a mass M(w) of 85 times the neutron. This mass must be “borrowed” from the vacuum (for a short time) which AUT would suggest is an alignment of other ct states presumably as transitional states as part of solution where the concentration of alignment is sufficiently high.

          decay:force carrier (electron); anti-neutrino (w- carrier of weak force-has electric charge); weak coupled with electromagnetic: In AuT this is because the ct1 em force result is the effective ct2 cloud around the electron bundle. 
          Anti-decay: w+ up quark
          Force carriers:
QED says the force -is exactly the same as the electron?
QED-weak entirely coupled with electromagnetic. 
          V(r)=q1q2/(4pie0r)=EM Coulomb potential
          V(r)=(ke^(-mr))/r=W (weak force, Yukawa poten.)
          K is constant
Connection between EM and W: as m approaches zero:
          The exponential (-mr) means that as r increases the range decreases; ke becomes root(ke) The exponential term causes a faster decay of the plotted curve which is what shortens the range.
          At range, Elecmag and weak are approx. same.

          AuT can be used to show mass is concentration and r is ct1 exchange within the concentration.
          Hence there are space elements, photon/lesser wave (below electron bundle) features and electron bundle features.
          Since AuT says that mass is just a concentration stage issue (beginning with a single leg of a ct4 information arm) the mass issues should be considered:

Discussion of AuT vs QED mass issues:
          Photon is massless and moves in only one dimension.
          W/E both have mass and by AuT experience at least transitionally in 3 dimensions because they exist in Ct4 information arms.
          QED says there are two solutions for the vector for the photon, AuT would say the third is the speed of light transitions and the two observed are the two that QED “imposes” by viewing the one-dimensional photon in 3 dimensions.  This suggests that mass is what we call 3 (or more) dimensional objects and other objects that have fewer dimensions are viewed from the perspective of 3d as massless=less than 3 dimensions.  Transitional states would move between massless and massfull which may have something to do with this W being so inflated as it transitions with the electron interacting with the photon both being the sum of the ct1 parts that align to make them up.
          Note that the “solid part” of an electron is only 1/183-1/184 of a ct4 arm.  This is the ratio weight of 1:1834 of the electron to the proton.  This means the “cloud” aspects of the electron, if they make up a single arm (theorized by aut) must be 184 times the maximum concentration of information in the electron bundle.
          Query:  Is it just the bundle that carries time/history component or does the whole thing, keeping in mind that it is highly organized by solution order and presumably pretty stable.  If you take the ratio and probability  of the electron orbit volume you should get the 1:184 size of the cloud to the electron, at least within some parameters.
For scale purposes: the mass of a W is 80.4 gigaelectronvolts over c squared,

the proton or the neutron, which are about 0.9 gigaelectronvolts over c squared, then that really is very heavy, 80 times as heavy

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