
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Electron clouds and limits

Dreams are illusions
Last night I had one which was haunting
It was filled with deformed people
Mentally or physically
and they lived in a deformed house
There was a boy who mumbled but had two heads
A girl who could not think right
I know that dreams are who we are in our own heads
And a house with a comfortable bed
But the bedrooms, open like living rooms
were all thrown together
and I could not find mine
nor find one where the lights would go off
something that bothered me
more than the monsters
Things are not what the seem.
That goes for all things
Personal and otherwise
Let's talk about what is going on here and what isn't.
The Higgs course deals with post super-symmetry elements.  However, these are important because they provide some guidance.
Already, I have decided, the obvious, that the electron is more important than I thought it was
And I have decided that the electron, representing as it much in the underlying ct2-ct1 symmetry an evolving bundle (relative to the ct1 on either side) of aligned states.  That it must shift constantly with those states.
The electron parts provide insights into what electrons are and why, but also provide some real insights into why the super symmetry of AuT is appropriate and even help define what it is.
It appears, however obvious, that in the lowest compression solutions the limit approaches one between ct1 states to get compression, but that with dimension/place/compression state increases the number at which stability is possible gets exponentially possible and these states necessarily migrate with the electron forming to some extent its cloud portion.
And the electron-proton pair must form a necessary limit element together, a two part limit, as one limit approaches 1, another approaches the electron number, the third approaches the proton number and that the transformation in places/dimensions/compression state at these higher states form in ranges and not a set range allowing for the type of exchanges that allow for what we now can call the illusion of time which is so important in this course and so misunderstood.
It is like this other things
They too are misunderstood
It is six am at last.
It seemed to take a very long time to get here
I am the monster that you think I am
But I am a monster with more than one face
which makes me only more horrible I suppose.
The physicist
perhaps the only real one alive
Student of the occult


Lover, and though you dare not believe it
I love only you

And mad
But then
I am in good company
With everyone else


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