
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The twilight zone of supersymmetry (done)

AuT is the twilight zone
It requires a different way of looking at things and that is what this post will be about.  It is gratifying to see the attention being give to what is a complicated analysis made possible by the HIggs course.  It is only appropriate that it be written in the time when I cannot sleep, before the sun comes up, when I am troubled by those problems the beset me, poverty, you, death and unwillingness, perhaps an inability, to do anything about them.
I ate something old and dessicated, perhaps no worse than a k-ration (albeit one from wwi) but my stomach is pulsating irregularly; although strangely I cannot say this is what woke me before the sun came up.
There is a hostility within the course that is troubling.  I can see a certain degree of ridicule,but it seems to have risen to a religious ferver, an unwillingness to even look at this work which for whatever reason and by whoever is read all over the world.
Let me get to the meat of this, however, the firing of cannons loaded with springs that under AuT includes so much CT1,2,and 3 interaction along with thebase ct4 that would give rise to the appearance of these very heavy W-bosons (though they wouldn't really exist).
What I have to do is to reinterpret everything that is being taught and there are two elements to this.
The first is that I don't know what the exact modeling of Higgs is for.  He's trying to predict things that are theorized based on a false narrative of what is actually happening.
Let's pause for a moment.
Am I?
You can say, "no difference" and up to a point you would be correct.  But its not.
My narrative is based 100% on observation, both mathematical and otherwise.
If you trace the history of AuT from EHT (which you can actually do in this blog) you see that as the patterns of reality were forced into the model, it had to evolve.
The F-series came from looking at models for what was observed in gravity.
The dimensional elements came from breaking down pi into its component parts.
AuT is a pure system which is why it is so frighteningly fundamental.
Higgs is using a different model and while AuT only seeks to satisfy the underlying math (embodied in pi and the ratios that are visible above pi) I am not certain I see what model pre-AuT physics is trying to fill. 
They predict all these bizarre particles and they borrow mass with space, the second making perfect sense, the first flying in the face of their own mathematics.  They see the particulate nature of things the interplay of dimensions and then they ignore them.  It is baffling to me and it is as if they are looking at a painting of a horribly ugly woman, for that is what AuT is, but all they can do is talk about the ridges of the paint or perhaps they look at a beautiful woman in the painting and they cannot see the ugly brush strokes below it.
I digress.
The math needs to be be dealt with as it was in the last post, but this is an overview.
A spring model is used and there is a certain logic to that. Their slinky being slung around in space has approximately the same type of movement and resonance that AuT's substitution has.  If you think about the recombination going on at the ct3-ct4 interface with time being "carried", really more created, by the sharing of electron bundles then you see movement in 3 dimensions in a positive and negative pairing much like the spring where everything goes from and back to about where it was before with the changes inherent in a system which is constantly on the move.
But things change from there and that is where the confusion seems to arise.
First let's talk about acceleration.  Since everything involved, including the acclerator itself, is moving through space, the acceleration within the collider is limited. Moreover, if it reached the speed of light, there would be a transition point and this gets us to the actual observations.
You can use Einstein and talk about the stretched out particle and all of the potential energy of two approach protons and get to the same place, but I'm going to use AuT terminology.
We talked earlier-it's laid out in book 6 with a drawing-about collision in AuT. The intermingling of the ct features along a 1,2, 3 and 4 dimensional framework.  But lets step one step deeper into the twilight zone.  Ahhh, that strange alarm that goes off at 6 am tolls. Still too early, too dark and cold to pay attention.  In the twilight zone the scientists don't control their own actions, they are only moving according to the underlying mathematics and this is ok because it allows us to ignore the collider itself and focus on what is going on inside of it.
Let's use two protons (neutrons are not charged so they are hard to accelerate absent their presence in a charged atom).  They are acclerated in opposite directions, presumably isolated from all other protons. If there are a stream of them, the process gets ungainly, but if that is what the colider does, then we have to consider that case also, but not right now.
As the ct3-c4 transition state approaches the speed of light it lengthens in relativity.  In AuT it increases the number of ct3,2 and 1 substitutions but if all is at the same speed, perhaps what it does is reverse the substitution process.  Instead of mostly 3,some 2 and 1 it changes to mostly 1 then 2 then 3.  This change is the reason that time slows down according to the most recent "breakthroughs" in AuT logic where time is a result and not a dimension.
The idea of momentum becomes this.  The "added states" as opposed to the "shared states" create the extra mass/energy that otherwise would be absent.  Let's look at an example:
256000-1, 1000-2, 30-3, 1ct3to4 transition at speed is, when slowed down
1000-1, 2000-2, 20-3, 1ct3to4.  These are not true ratios although I will endeavor to make them right in a future post which should not be too difficult although the numbers will be awfully skewed.  The numbers themselves can be replace to make this clear, but even that raises issues which I don't want to slow me down.
The idea is that the solution for an accelerated proton includes no necessary changes in the ct3-ct4 mix.  Indeed, the lowering from 30 to 20 is only an exchange rate change because so many ct2 and ct1 changes are within the system between quantum changes that the ct3 exchanges are stretched out over a longer number of changes in x in placeof these other changes.
So when you collide these at different speeds you get these results:
1000-1,2000-2,20-3-1ct3to4 hits the same and you have no signficant change in either but a cloud of 2000-1,4000-2,40-3 and 2 ct3to4 in proximity over a period of x histories; the surrounding "vacuum" presumed in this experiment complicates this, but not at the moment when the two systems combine, in the words of pre-aut physics, the point of impact which itself is terribly misleading.  But letskeepin mind what we have there and then look at the accelerator.
256000-1,1000-2,30-3,1ct3to4 collide.  Now in the system being viewed you have:
All you have really done in this case is to replace most of the ct3 transitions with ct3-4 with 2 and 1 transitions but there are a lot of those and they are in fewer dimensions.  I suppose most of those ct3 states are still present as the limits they approach 1 between the isolated ct3to4 (proton) and the ct1 around it (the equivalent of the same halo of states around a black hole).
As these ct2 and one transitions states are kept together and slowed, much of the ct1 coverts to ct2, much of the ct2 converts to ct3 and much of this "new" ct3 combines with the existing ct3 to form additional transitions states.
This is the same m=E/c^2 transition (f(x)^2^x transition in AuT) but the analysis doesn't add a bunch of new particles/quarks/what have you.
The number of space particles, photons, waves and almost stable particles interacting in one vs the other changes by virtue of the substitution rates involved.
Here is the true TZ problem:
At its base, AuT is linear.  That means its is all based on the underlying solution order of plus and minus with relative solution order as the only separating feature.
As you add ratios to this you gain dimensions and the transitions between the ratios yields force, but these are secondary effects.  While the ultimate solutions are so durable that I can sit here and write about them and think I understand them, myself, you and to some extent those who would prefer my silence even though they don't even understand what I am doing, the entire experimental process of the collider boils down to the effect of the change in a very large number of these plus and minus states over a very long number of values of x and we have to be careful that we do not lose sight of this which is the problem with all pre-AuT physics, even Parmenides to a greater extent than not.
I will continue, but the true bells of dawn are ringing, death calling in its own way, the passage of time, the re-ordering of my own underlying symmetry, bringing me closer to a symmetry which will not support this blog.
Don't forget that books 1 and 7 are available as unlimited, the last edited and the first part of the course discussion.

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