
Monday, September 15, 2014

NLT-The next step: Part 72 THINGS TO ADD LATER

I passed page 50 in the final edit of NLT.  I came across this post and decided to review it.  I am looking at 30-40 pages to the end.  Of course, I wonder what will happen if I decide to include any of this.
Do I really want to slow this process down?
I walked this evening, the humidity and heat were back, the air so thick you could not breath it, the walk a gasping, watery, thing.  I thought about what an unusual work this was going to be.  I've been rearranging some few chapters, most of it is organized well enough, but what chapter to lead with and what chapter to end with.  What is the note I want to strike with the reader.
What is the message I am trying to send to you.
This was originally set aside as part 29, the parts being chapters and approximately 2/3 of the chapters being posted.
There is still more groundwork to lay before covering the details of time orbits, the relationship of this to something else, I am not sure what, I'm not even sure why I wrote it anymore, all I know is the inspiration for it, the spark behind it, what burned to ashes, what has not yet rose from the ashes.  You know too, of course.
There is even more to cover before getting to the place where all of these concepts are brought together to get a more comprehensive view of the universe than the one I have typed so far.  This is a strange collection of orphan chapters, waiting to be adopted by the book and by discovering them at this late date, I am faced with the question of whether to include them or leave them to grow up on their own, alone and seeking some place, some person, where they belong.
Time is limited.
Some things that are not in the book yet.  I wonder...
INTELLIGENT DESIGN:  A logical creator would design a universe to function according to logical rules.  While we worry about how long this would take, NLT envisions that the creator would have infinite time, infinite intelligence relative to what we experience just based on our view of linearity.  There are forces we do not even understand that are suggested by Standard Clock Time and the mysteries of CT5.
  This is similar conceptually to our designing a puzzle or the "random" nature of natural selection which is following the rules of organization that seem to control outcomes in our universe.
Infinite intelligence is discussed in The Einstein Hologram Universe and is the result of concentrating all thought without dimensional or time separation.
Another element to infinite intelligence is CT5.  This environment seen in Black Holes with concentrations of 10^32 of matter clock time (CT4) is the same environment that was described pre-dating the origin of the universe where spatial and clock time separation go towards zero.  Just as matter is a concentration of energy (really CT3 changes being the same) so Black holes, spread out though they are, are very likely the next state of matter.  Just as we can manipulate energy, so too could a CT5 consciousness potentially manipulate CT4 in ways that we cannot fully understand.
Just as large quantities of energy coalesce into matter which in limited quantities coalesces into human minds; so too is it likely that such a concentration occurs on the scale of black holes to create super-matter (CT5) and even super-brains.  A simple example is that our minds can only hold one thought at a time, whereas a CT5 brain might be able to hold two (or more).

Time orbits are different from orbits defined by space time.  They are relatively speaking shapeless and time specific to the type of Clock time(s) which have gone linear to form them.
The best model to describe these presented so far is that of a database where each point is defined in terms of three (or more) coordinates.
CT1 has a series of defined points (P1, P2, etc) joined in a time orbit with a compression of 10^2 where compression is the amount of coordinated coordinate change, i.e. coordinates changing together at a scale of 10^2.  While not seen, these gravity affect orbits represent sufficient concentrations of Points of data to form space as we see it.  Uncoordinated Points would not appear as space since they would not change in concert with a set display that would make sense to a spinning universe (they'd randomly appear and disappear).  Gravity is the force represented by the orbit.
CT2 is the next time orbit.  The points previously concentrated "up to" 10^4 have now reached the critical mass of time concentration for perception of the universe.  We cannot measure the size of the particles at this concentration, but we know them as quantum photons and they show up in our studies of the forces of both photon energy and as a part of the signature of wave form energies which is easily explained by both the common origin of the two types, the fact that one is merely a concentration of the other with a different time orbit, and the fact that it is likely within the matrix of wave form energies both CT1 and CT2 time states exit. We cannot see the effect of time, but it can be measured and utilized more than space. Photonic energy is associated with this orbit or clock time for theoretical purposes.
CT3 can be seen as 10^8 concentration and concentration as coordinated coordinate change.  Combinations of this type are theorized to form electromagnetic features.  A greater degree of manipulation is possible for these using CT4.  At 10^8^4^2 concentration, these are more easily manipulated using quantum and non-quantum analysis and quantum properties are difficult to detect.
CT4 represents coordinated coordinate change at the rate of 10^16 and quantum elements are hidden by the amount of concentration as matter.  The forces created are considered to be nuclear forces only because those forces are present holding molecules together.  If only one force at at time is created we may have a concentration energy "excited and resting state" situation between strong and weak nuclear forces.  The alternative would be two separate concentration states with non-exponential change which is not expected, but equally likely.
CT5, black hole space 10^36.  This represents a theoretic space where black holes exist and presumably where they might even group together, their matrix being filled as we observe with CT1-CT4 elements, including us.

Therefore we can define time orbits by their increasingly similar changes in coordinates where each orbit has coordinate change 1/scale closer than the prior orbit and where the similarity of the change is more fixed, that is it takes more positive entropy to separate them and more negative entropy to keep them together.
Hence two photons are loosely joined, but still have a 1/4 concentration defined as common coordinate change.  The much higher concentration of 1/16 (the difference between coordinate changes) for matter over energy (presumably it is 1/16+8+4+2) is why we have a more difficult time "penetrating" or separating or even changing coordinates for matter using positive entropy or "energy".
Again, this takes us to an additional inference that all Points in all clock times change relative to one another with consistency initially.  If these closer changes happen slower, which is to be believed based on conservation concepts (the conservation of time states-which in turn is indicated by logic-smaller changes would happen more often to get to a larger time change) then we can follow this inference with yet another.  As we go up in time orbit (the higher number clock times) these changes are closer together for similar clock time points while in between these changes some more rapidly changing lower clock times exist (CT3,CT2 and CT1 existing within each other like the Russian dolls and all of them existing within CT4 Points.

There is more than one way to skin a Sequential Time Orbit.  The initial discussion looked at these as growing orbits which is supported by the concept of negative entropy.  There is another way which is supported by the concept of gravity being "the tendency of time to go non linear" and the interpretation of black holes that results.  This second method, however, will allow for the same type of findings as we have in CT5 analysis.
This second method is very similar to the first but it assumes the transition from NLT (CT0) to CT1 is a much larger event in the time continuum and the subsequent moves are transitions back to non-linearity which is a central theme in defining gravity in particular and force (potentially) in general to the tendency of time states to go non-linear.
One can thereby envision the move from CT0 to CT1 to be a transition as far from NLT as can be found in our universe.  This would mean the subsequent transitions and concentrations were lower orbits from the highest orbit returning Time steadily to NLT ending, as far as we can tell, at CT5 and black holes which may or may not represent a return to non-linearity.
It is possible that black holes do in fact return to non-linearity but that we cannot observe the final step in the process because of the linearity of our time perspective prevents it just as there is not enough force to take matter to light speed and thereby transition to energy.

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