
Monday, September 29, 2014

The Zeno-Socrates dialogs new chapter 4 for my ukrainian readers

So here is the completed new chapter.  The book itself is heavily edited although I find a word or two to change every time I go through it again, I feel it is essentially ready to publish except for designing a cover.  I do very much plan to go over the dialog itself again.  There is much to do to make the work as faithful to non-linear time as possible.  I cannot make it faithful to the history which I do not know.  Quite frankly, the end still makes me uncomfortable as time travel appears possible after a fashion, but only at the risk of having it limited by its having already occurred.  

You don't need a pep talk from me. You know you are smart enough and talented enough to do anything.  That is the answer to what is being human.
Mature enough?   Well, that comes with time and work.
I'll share my story.  I put off writing to make a living and while I it caused me to lose a great deal of time, I am writing now, despite everything and am proud of what I have written.  I had to mature a bit although perhaps I matured too long, turning from wine into vinegar perhaps.  But even vinegar is desirable when you want a salad.
I stayed true to what I believed at my core even if I occasionally had to subvert it to the practical.  I must say that I've subverted to the practical a little too much.
So, always try to spend a little time living your dream and not worrying about what anyone else is thinking about you.
Remember that ever adversity holds the kernel of opportunity.  It is what you do with the kernel that makes you great.  If life hands you some time and disappointment, invest it wisely.
 At the height of my problems (and this was only a couple of years ago) you would think that I would have nothing good to say about it (other than I recovered); but in fact it was only when I had hit the bottom and faced the worst terror of my life that I was able to focus on what was important to me; I set aside my fear, picked up my pen and I'm getting ready to publish my 5th book this week.  And that is not the greatest opportunity I seized although it is the one that I held onto.
So embrace the horror which is life, watch for the kernel of hope and opportunity within tragedy, which is, in fact, nothing more than needing to have the trivial crap in life peeled away to see what is important.  But you're just trying to get through this to see the chapter 4, so.




Socrates, as I live and breath!”

Socrates wheels about on a dusty road, seeing Mercurio sitting on a half pillar which has fallen and broken. Someone had pushed it off the trail to form an oversized but apparently comfortable seat on which Mercurio sat resting. Socrates' heart skipped a beat, but he quickly caught his breath. “Why if it isn’t the messenger of Hell and Death. You’ve no message for me, I hope.”

Ha, ha. I am rather surprised to see you here and I have no message to deliver today for or about you. I had some scrolls which were bought from a friend of yours, in point of fact. And what brings you to this place?”

Why I happen to be here to study under Zeno of this fine city.”

“A noble undertaking for a recognized scholar. I heard you had some sort of dust up.”

“Just a misunderstanding among friends.”

"Truly, I heard someone saying you were involved in something they were calling a ziggurat scheme?"

"Really? I have no idea how these rumors get started.  I came here for the ocean breezes and to study philosophy.  You should come with me. It is an extremely curious thing."  

"Oh I would love to, but I'm going back to Athens right away."  

"Oh, you do get around"  Thinking, "Would you consider carrying a message and some scrolls for me?"  

Most assuredly. Anything to help a friend.”

It might help we with a bit of discomfort.”

An uncomfortable business arrangement?”

In business, uncomfortable events become comfortable once the fee is paid.”

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