
Monday, September 1, 2014

NLT-the next step 67 why do time quanta interact

I'm working on going back to Mexico.  There's a particular reason, but perhaps the particular reason is no particular reason.  Maybe it is just that south of the border cites, central Mexico, is a place where you can get pretty far away from yourself, unless you're Mexican, of course.
This, losing yourself, requires not going to tourist Mexico and not going to directly across the border mexico.  This requires going to the part of mexico where people live without being anything different than what they are, people.  It's a dangerous place in some ways, but its just a place where people live.  But maybe I'm going because it is a dangerous place, because life needs some danger.  Of course, my life has all kinds of danger now, I wonder  how the life would be without it.
And Mexico is hot, perhaps too hot.  Its a long term proposition anyway.  A better person would just go to Mexico, maybe they would leave their computer and just go, maybe I would just go, if I was a better person.
I haven't been giving time to my writing, yes I've posted a great deal about NLT, but that is just explaining a weary mathematics, weary because it has already been written.
I have a dozen projects that I have ignored for so long and so badly I want to work on them.
It you know in your heart you say yes because you want to, then perhaps that is why you say no to life, because for whatever reason you want to..
With the recent concentration of interest on hologram theory, however far behind everyone is from NLT, I feel the need to go ahead and publish NLT, the book.  Perhaps, then, I will publish and the perhaps I will disappear for a while.
It is, after all, the first of September.  But first, to answer a question since it's weary and waiting to be answered and then I need to take all of this, and publish it, without, I'm sorry, letting you see it first or boring you with the commentary.
But before I go to Mexico, before I publish Non Linear Time Theory, before I go blind, quit swimming or watch Houdini on the history network, I will publish at least one more chapter.

Why do Time Quanta Interact:
Dimension is an illusion. Time exists without dimension.  It is unlikely that time "physically" uncoils, but if it does, it only uncoils to give the appearance of dimension and linear time within the singularity.  This is intuitive since something as complicated as space-time is contra-indicated.  That is to say, space time is too complicated to exist and therefore a non-linear universe existing without actual dimension or linear time is no less difficult to perceive than space time.  An entire universe arising from a singular time point is equally as likely as a universe made up of a near infinite number of finite points.
Why does quantum time interact, whether in the singularity or in a linear universe, with other time quanta to combine to create universes?
This is inherent in the idea that if we are splitting a single time quanta to create everything, the very act of division creates such a "force" to return to non-linearity, that it differs from all other forces, at least until it is seen as just another orbital state of time, and which we know as gravity.  However, our rules of force and counter force mean very little in terms of Non-Linear Time Theory.
We know the apparent forces, the most fundamental being gravity, the tendency to return to the singularity or, theorized and put another way, is a prior time state going negative.  This means the fundamental type of negative coordinate states is the tendency of time states to combine and as the concentration increases necessarily the amount of compression and the forces contributing to compression will increase.
But there are other forces and we know that time quanta interact and combine.
The question of why is fundamental to our ability to manipulate time at the fundamental level.
There are two possibilities.  One is that awareness requires the interaction which is the spiritual path suggested by e-hologram theory (see chapter 6 of the book for more info on this).  The other possibility is that there is some "physics" internal to time in the singularity that gives rise to the uncoiling of time and the forces that cause time to interact and even to combine in sufficient quantities to recoil and which is expressed herein as negative time states.  The intensity of each negative time state need not be exponentially greater than the prior state, but each arises from an exponential increase in concentration (theorized) and each continues to exist in the face of the next higher counter force to higher time state concentrations suggesting consecutively filled time orbits.

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