
Thursday, September 4, 2014

NLT equations

I want you to know I gave love a few chances over my life; more than once.  Maybe not recently; but definitely a few times.  Most times it failed me, and the other times I failed love.  If I gave in to responsibility, it isn't anything different from anyone else who sacrificed love for duty.  Doesn't make me right, doesn't even make me responsible, just proves I'm human.

In editing NLT, and the last edit is 1/3 finished, I have been forced to look at the issues with the equations.  In the videos of Gavin Wince, and even in the lectures at Stanford they use shortcuts to show the conceptual framework without all the details, so I'm going with that.
Democritus, in Greece, of course, in 460 BC came up with the idea of the atom.  I do not miss the proximity of time between Democritus and Parminides and the other Greeks for that matter.  Valence bond theory wasn't developed until 1927; almost 2500 years later and it is still under development today.
 Likewise, it took Einstein 10 years to derive the basic field equation.  Therefore, I can be excused perhaps if I have not fully developed all the math, but perhaps not and I do not seek to be excused for this, only to explain myself.  Out of laziness, despair and the difficulty in reading the small print (maybe in that order, maybe not) I am not even reconciling the formulas.  Don't like it?  Neither do I, but if it's my problem, then I own only that.  No love, no editor, no life.  It is my opus magnums if that is the right term, but if it isn't the last thing I write, then perhaps I have another surprise in me, another card up my sleeve.

It had some meaning when it was originally conceived, even when it was first written; a work possible only because of the passion behind it, the suffering, the recognition of what was really important in life, the redemption that came with it,  and for a moment I held it all in my hands, everything that mattered, running through my fingers like sand.  Now I'm left with what I came into this show with,..

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