
Monday, January 8, 2018

AuT and Time dilation and anti-matter

AuT is a relatively simple solution to a complex problem.

For Every Complex ProblemThere Is a Clear, Simple, solution and it is Wrong. So almost said H.L. Mencken as part of a longer aphorism. 
The whole quote is, “Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.

AuT, however, is not wrong.  It is supported by observed evidence, but it predicts those observations and explains them.

A plume of antimatter coming from the black hole, exactly what AuT predicts as there is a massive change in states, even though one at a time, within the black hole.
These can leave because of anti-gravity characteristics, they are untrapped by the gravitational well.
Not so easily explained are thunderstom electric strike anti-matter, but they can be accounted for in the quick generation and destruction of ct2 and ct3 states.

A Time to define time.  If AuT teaches us anything, it is that velocity is a form of time and we can see that in the picture below.

The idea behind this is that the number of places for a ct1 interaction (in place of another interaction) increases in place and dimension at each state of compression.  Whether a positive or negative result from ct0 changes the ct1 value changes with each value of x, although the change only occurs when the net value of the composite 4 in space changes.

CT1 can only experience one transition, from positive to negative.
CT2 can experience two, positive to negative and c1 substitution.  The ct1 substitution is the first time state which we call velocity.
CT3 can experience 3; positive to negative and c1 substitution and ct2 substitution.  The larger time transitions t1 and t2 in place of just t1 are what we call clock time and the more t1 substitutions in a given transition between given concentrated states, the less higher state transitions.

We had this older version which shows the same thing with a passage of a higher state through the surrounding clouds showing how time can be bisected in huge chunks by virtue of the size of the surrounding states that it has to transition one point at a time although ultimately in a quantum number of steps.

And one still older focusing on the transition between ct1-ct2 carriers showing the changes of the photons relative to the ct1 carrier creating Velocity or t1.  T0, of course, is the transition from positive or negative to fpluspix.

And for what it's worth, the relativity drawing showing how the different ct states compare in terms of compression.

In the real world environment, the anti-matter transition can be thought of like this (yes, it is a pun)
The Antimatter "kicked out" of protons occurs a couple of ways that we visualize, 1) spontaneous decomposition and 2) violent destruction of the larger transitional state but both are the same thing under supersymmetry, the solutions of combined positive and negative making up a higher ct state separate into their component parts in the next lower state through the introduction of intermediate lower ct states, e.g. inserting intermediate ct1 solutions between ct2 solutions in a ct3 environment.


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