
Friday, January 26, 2018

AuT-a parsing of time part one

I could dwell on news events today or on my personal problems which I bother you with.  I thought about a piece wondering about why they have a museum to the holocaust, but not to the dark ages and the post christian eras of rome when jews were denied to right to build new temples.  It seems like there is a missed museum opportunity.
At different points in time the dominate religions have been polytheism, theocracy or the devine king, christianity, islam and even arguably darwinism as a catch all for science.  Hebrew, for some reason, has never caught on being more of the religion of the cast away.
AuT offers a different version of god, although not so very different from every form that god has had. God in this case is a quasi-god, un-anthromorphised.  It is an underlying concept more than a force which guides the universe in a very real sense, but according to a rule which looks entirely logical to us but which could be altered by shifting mathematical solutions or redefining the underlying math.  Indeed, if AuT is taken up as a study, as it certainly will be when sufficient irony is applied to the problem (i.e. after I'm dead or they find someone else to give credit for the discovery) we may one day become gods.  But that is another story.

I have a bit of scientific artistry to deal with, which appears with sufficient specificity in Book 5 to be worth reading and in book 6 will be even better preserved for posterity, assuming my broken heart and tattered eyes take me that far.  Book 6 is already such a singular work that I wonder that I shouldn't publish it with only the first 30 or 40 pages edited (out of 400).  Time will tell.  For you, however, my loyal and unloyal readers, the magic will be revealed.

This is the first part of a two or three part post only because I am lazy, impatient and unpleasant.  As I write this, I am waiting for the sun to come up.  It is dark, quiet, and I am alone.  Those things add a dark light to my morning and from the darkness light will come.

Time can be envisioned as the non-substitution state.  This can defined by virtue of its features, the features of time:.
1) Histwa': history must be partially preserved-so it must relate to undestroyed higher ct state
2) Aging- history degrades so it must be a form for higher ct state aging over time
3. Velocity offsets other versions of time, time is velocity in part
4.F-series building: The present is built from the past
5.  fpluspix: Time vibrates compression
We will begin with these 4 features of time.  Arguably they incorporate all the features of time.  Super symmetry allows us to avoid the romantic traps of  lost time, insufficient time, lengths of time, the end of time and other self centered aspects that before AuT, the ultimate in self centeredness, born from self-pity, relegated all prior physics to some dusty shelf.
 History finds itself in a strange role in AuT.  History does, of necessity, come from F-series type building, the building of the present from the "ruins" of the past, combining prior sates to get to the new state.  Time, it seems, as we define it, allows us to look backwards.  In a quantum universe, the ability to experience the universe almost requires this.  If the present is not built from the past, how in a true quantum universe, could we look back.  The alternative would be to accept some pre-AuT version of time which is absurd.  The idea of building from nothing was an attractive early version of AuT that still applies to history, even while the building of the universe from F-series transactions is largely a ct1-ct2 phenomena and not one of origin although I can be forgiven for the mistake given the fact that "time" as we experience it began that way or was begat that way, the building of the future from the past is an imperfect f-series transaction. 
We see history degrade and for that matter we degrade.  If you were to look at me, you would say, he has degraded quite a bit, indeed he is more degraded than not.  If you were to look into my mind, you would say he has morally degraded to a frightening extent.  What would I see if I looked into your mind?  Where was I?  Oh yes, history fades, things get older.  Information does not age, only the results change.  We know from AuT that this means Time must have a complex structure (f-series building) and that this complex structure must break down internally, but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves or I'll have to change my upside down triangle. 
Velocity offsets time.   How does something as different from time as velocity change it?  That question, of course, is pure pre-AuT nonsense.  Ct1 exchange is velocity.  You will, very shortly, see my solution to the Zeno paradox, yes, yes, you pointed that out to me when you read early versions of the work.  Go ahead, say the Nobel prize is yours, I'd have a hard time arguing that it shouldn't go to you and Parmenides; but you were, after all, pointing out that i had (arguably) come to the solution of that paradox independently.  Perhaps, I should put that solution in here now, since this paragraph provides the solution indirectly. No, that is not the type of person I am and if you look even superficially, you will see it here.  Feel free to point it out, it has been distributed to an audience already, is inherent in the published volumes of AuT and where was I?  Oh yes, if time is ct1 substitution, and history is built from higher state compression sharing, then doesn't that bring us to the next item in the triangle?
We know the present is built from the past because of how we experience the present and how we can manipulate the present to get the next stage.  Pre-AuT physics came up with the goofy idea that time was a dimension, despite the fact that Einstein showed that we each have our own time. We do, of course, each have our own time and our own dimension for that matter, but this is because of how it is built and that time and dimension dissipate outward.  From our absurdly self centered compressed selves, as we move away from each other, we introduce space (look backwards for the paradox answer) and that means we give up the sharing of time and introduce a lack of dimension between us.  Under the influence of high gravity states (or more accuarate high compression environments like the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, etc) the distances and compressed states are recycled as the present is continually recycled and this gives history it's echo-y quality.
Time therefore vibrates in a compressed environment and time doesn't really exist out side of a compressed environment.  The compression is offset by the vibration action of the information arms, allowing the build up but also allowing its destruction as the individual solutions along the information arm go from positive to negative and back again, or more likely from negative to positive, although that chicken and egg have very little non-theoretical relevance at our stage of things.
So there you have it, time defined by its features, part one.
I am Ozymandias, king of kings;
look at my works and despair.
(altered slightly from the original)

The first 5 books

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