
Monday, January 29, 2018

The missing 27 and AuT as a superior tool

Non linear time theory keeps getting orders which is somewhat frustrating.  I have tried to take that out of the market as a theory which is years out of date and of more theoretical, than practical value.
If you are ordering a book, I'd go for book 5 if you only order one, books 2 and 5 if you're only ordering two, and you should order 6 too, are all 6 if you don't want to miss anything, but what do I know (other than the super symmetry underlying the universe).

So where do we find our little 22 resurfacing, if anywhere?
27 is 3^3 just as 32 is 2^(2^2)
In terms of n this is (n+1)^((2^n)-1) for n=2
There is an opposite ratio just as there is the primary (f(n)^2^n) there is 3^3 which would allow for f(n)^3^n in some limited circumstances.
These derivative features lead us to assume that the derivation of 256 is no mere coincidence of mathematics, and is related to the growth of information from 27 to 256.
We will continue with this analysis in future posts.

For the moment, however we need to point out why AuT is superior as a tool for examining scientific results and this article on "mysteries" is a good place to start.  Now I know many of you think I am a metaphorical tool, but you have to understand the hardships I work under, the failure of physics to fall over itself to congratulate me and like issues that contribute to my contrary and unlikable nature.  It isn't that I am spoiled, just disappointed.  If I am a tool, I am a superior tool, at least if I'm right.

Scientists have discovered the origins of the most mysterious particles in the universe

This is an interesting article, as usual with AuT more interesting because of what it doesn't say.
AuT allows that features of different particles tell more about their existence than what we otherwise observe in pre-AuT physics concerning origins.

Let us parse some of these features.
A dimensional element (particle and energy are no longer accurate terms for what we observe) have these features:
1) Compression state-more matterish, more energyish and if energy, then wave or photon
      a) if it exhibits mass that indicates a higher state of compression
      b) force features-since different forces arise from different ct states, a gravity based particle might be either energy or matter-ish but if it has ct5 elements (strong/weak forces) then it has to be a black hole derivative.
      c) Break down features-only ct4 can bread down to ct3 etc
2) Speed-ct1 substitution, the higher the more it tends towards the energy spectrum, even for elements with mass; always a trade off
When these "mystery particles or transition states are examined in the light of AuT their true nature and their source can be better determined and understood.

And, for those of you not ordering out of date versions of the theory, book 6 is live on kindle!

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