
Thursday, January 4, 2018

AuT-Am I mad or a genius, you decide

This article reflects the battle that I am facing, the prejudice that stands between genius and the acknowledgement of the world.
The new face of science -- and attacking "citizen science. "
Or I am insane.  It is possible to judge that fully at this point in time.
It would be useful, in making this decision to read any one of the 4 books, perhaps the second or the fourth.
As I write this, however, I am a mere 7 pages from finishing the edits to the first 70 or so pages of book 5 which will allow the rough draft to be published as a first edition and the world will be given an essentially complete rendition of my work which changes the way that everything is seen and answers all the mysteries of the universe, it is naked before me, stripped, dripping, its hands by its sides.

Read this section and decide.  Pad your room for me, or roll out a carpet.  It is all the same, for mad or genius the result is the same to me.

The evolution of Time Part II

          The common x for all points, means that (1) at super-symmetry all points change at the same rate and (2) there is constant velocity at low ct states upon compression, i.e. things are always moving. This is what is observed when only one ct0 can substitute at a time for ct0 states within ct1 and also it requires a change in one ct1 state (space) for each ct2 state (photon) thereby defining and limiting light speed as 1:256 because only one ct0 and ct1 substitution at a time in terms of each x because the increase in positive and negative states is stepwise so each ct0 state survives by a value of 1 longer than the prior ct0 state and each ct1, as positive or negative, survives for two beats before changing state longer than the prior state.  Space is one dimensional, so it has no spatial characteristics.  Photons have two dimensions (11, two places but only because of the ratio of ct1 to ct2) so two can change at a time, but one of those is spatial and the other is a precursor to time.
          Hence, x controls change for ct0-ct1 states, but those states change at different paces relative to one another.
          Beginning at ct3 relative change means that certain changes occur together creating a relative change of 1 (ct0):256 (ct2):, 1.68x10^6 (ct3) which means that the relative change of ct3 relative to ct2 is (1) a maximum of 1 ct2 change for each ct3 (1.68x10^6/256) at light speed meaning there are 256 gradations of speed possible for waves relative to the speed of light.
          The remaining changes in ct3 result from “shared” ct2 exchanges below light speed exchange is theorized as the extension of a wave from the center outward as substitutions are made along the only dimensional axis available in a state defined by 3 coordinates at a time and therefore 2-axis at a time.  The mistake the pre-AuT math suggests is that time is defined by the third coordinate, but time turns out to have its own private genesis which has nothing directly to do with dimension but is instead a historical marker based on the information contained in ct states that are recombined and it fades (aging) because those recombined higher ct states degrade as the ct0-ct1 fpluspix solutions change the value of the information.
For example, if there were 1.67x10^6/256 changes in a wavelength, it would be slower than the speed of light by .01x10^6/256 changes per change in x but it still would not experience the time that we see because we have a historical record of it as it changed.  Note that seconds play no role in this transition but are instead one of three changes of each of the 1.67x10^6/256 changes.
          Time develops differently from dimension.   CT1 changes only change polarity between positive and negative states (towards or away from compression polarity only a precursor to the related to electromagnetic forces) There is no non-lightspeed change in ct2, just a 1:256 substitution rate where no other rate change is possible.  All space functions according to this mode and it is independent of SCT (Time) because time can’t exist in ct1 (space).
          In Ct3, there is a limited possibility during the interaction of waves for SCT to exist, but it would be a spark of time, and not time in the sense that we know it because the substitutions would be erratic.
          Only in CT4 is there a possibility for ct3 exchange instead of ct1 exchange and hence time is only present at ct4 and higher ct states.  The requirement of movement means that there is never “full” shared state exchange.
          In a relative sense you have higher change rates of ct groups relative to the changes of the next lower group allowing for time as we experience it.  A group of ct1 changes together compressed as ct3 is time, individual ct11 changes yields velocity.  The ratio between the higher time and lower time states can be viewed as what we experience as time, but without the historical perspective of shared information, it would have no meaning. 
CT2 exchanges may be used in place of the ct1 exchanges, but movement through space suggests that the ct2 effect is a transitional effect.
          In CT5 states, time may have, should have, different aspects and should be preserved better for longer values of x.
          Time is more changeable in the universe than x which effectively increases the amount of information in the universe.  Several things work with time that are dimension free.  The change in x leads to the changes in the solution between quantum instances which are time and dimension independent.
          Compression changes time.  The increase or decrease in compression occur in quantum instances or inflection points and change the way that information moves.  It is theorized that changes in compression state in lower states cause the breakdown of compression in higher states which also has a net change at an inflection point based on the average of compression states in the next lower state between positive or negative, because of relative change between different states of compression preventing x from being aligned with time.
          History is defined by combining prior time states to make the next time states during the compression process, so that entropy is a type of negative history or a breakdown in history.  We experience this disorder because the disordered states combine to make the next state along with the ordered states.  In this way the universe is like a jigsaw puzzle which is alternatively built and shook up in a box and then reassembled.
          The ability to define time so clearly not as a dimensional element but as a consequent result like force is one of the strengths of AuT. In doing this, time gets separated from its constituent parts.  History and the future end up more closely related. 

          The universe changes sequentially and in quantum steps, so that each point "does not" have its own time at the level of supersymmetry, instead the entire universe changes each quantum moment and has a net time.  This departure from Einstein's space time is extremely important, but to understand supersymmetry its necessary to accept that there is a single counter for the whole universe.  For this to be possible, time as we experience it must be different from the underlying quantum time of the universe.

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