
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


It is beyond idiotic how this country is run right now.

Of course, I have my complaints, you have yours..

I have not published anything in a few days, but even god rested after creating the universe, which he did in a much different way than that version.
Let me tell you why I don't have to do more, although I will continue to post stuff of interest to me.
First, I define specifically the universe before the big bang, no big deal in hindsight, but a pretty big deal.
Secondly I define what time is and what it isn't, how velocity is just a primitive version of time.  Fairly monumental.
Thirdly, I show specifically how the universe exists in quantum moments and how these morphed into the 3 dimensions that we experience via a single variable for the whole universe.
Why my door isn't being broken down by science reporters begging for a story is beyond me, but I assume this is punishment for me having exposed the universe.  I'm certainly not getting any of the things I want out of this universe.
Truthfully, those 3 things are just the proverbial tip of the iceberg, but the world appears to be managed in an idiotic fashion, perhaps I am the idiot.

Anyway, this post will include Chapter AuT Summary Presentation from Book 5 (which you can order if you want to see it) which is a nice short paragraph that may have been added to the second edition, I don't know.
Enjoy, or don't.

You may be asking, "why is this post named jupiter?"  Jupiter has nothing to do with this post, but there was a link, no longer valid, about Jupiter which I was going to share, but the link was broken, alas.  If the world can be run by idiots, I can give idiotic names to my posts.

In Aut what we look for is how from our logic, a post g-space logic, begins to have cause and effect.  It remains possible, even likely from our logical perspective, that in g-space other logics apply. 
Parmenides is referred to as the father of AuT because of two philosophical similarities.  1) Everything came from a single being and (2) Logic governed the determination of the makeup of the universe.
1)     Let us start with g-space as a holding source and ask, what is the first thing that is held.
2)     This first thing is -1, from our logic it is “not nothing.”  The idea is that from our logic, before this point there is non-logic based g-space.  After this there is -1, a durable result using our logic.
3)     The next step is the counter is added, x which can be imagined as keeping track of the number of -1’s being generated as each is preserved.  This is the quantum counter, but is distinguished from time which is the difference between higher state sharing and low state (ct1) substitution.  Where -1 and x combine we find our logic arise based on -1^x which is based on the durability of the solution that generates -1 (not nothing) and 1(not-not nothing) or -1^2.
4)     This process which generates mathematically -1 and 1:  -1 is not nothing, 1 is the number of -1’s for x^2.  -1 of -1 is 1, the second ratio, nothing to not nothing to 1 nothing to not-nothing.
This process of changing based on the “result” of the prior solution is carried forward in the evolution of the algorithm.
5)     The next step of the process is carrying this forward to create the next transition and the first step in defining dimension.
For this we transition using this first -1 to 1 transition to the same model:
From 0 to -1 is a separation of 1 which in this result based model allows 1 to be derived. Carrying this model forward:
-1 to 1 is 2 apart.  Direction is important.
Utilizing this “2 apart” we go from 1 to -2 which is -3 (direction negative and distance between 1 and -2)
This process continues (-2 to 3, 3 to -4, etc) to yield 5, -7, 9, etc.  This is represented in the solution of (origin of) pi by fpluspix which can be defined several ways (e.g. the fpluspix equation) reflect the preservation of the result type building.
The next transition appears to occur from a higher sin perspective where the pi numbers are applied to a broader matrix.  In this case the beginning ration appears to be 32/27 which when frozen in place corresponds to a variety of f(x)^2^n frozen in place.
This transition is discussed in prior volumes and is carried forward from this point into the observable universe at least through ct5.
The underlying feature, fpluspix controls gravity and dark energy and hence whether the universe as a whole is expanding or contracting and in more compressed information types whether the forces controlling the state are positive or negative.
This “pulse” is reflected over all subsequent states above ct1 and is reflected in the movement and forces resulting from the base equations of the universe and the affairs of man, pulsing along with the steady progress towards a solution point.
The initial universe pulses rapidly.  After a time the pulse begins to slow as the larger numbers begin to outweigh the smaller numbers from -3,5,-7 toes to numbers like 1.6…(38)….1x10^39 where seconds become important.  Conceptually, we are looking for ½ second pulses between big bangs at this higher number, although time as we define it does not exist at this point because only low ct states exist and time is a function of ct4 and higher states, although at ct3 it exists after a fashion.
If the universe is 13.8 billion years old, then x is 13.8billionx1.6x10^39x(the number of seconds in a year) at least, maybe double that number, to give it the 13.8 billion dollar half life.  Since the universe is expected to last another 7 billion years before contracting, the 13.8 number should be replaced with a number closer to 20 billion.
Based on observations of 1) dark energy and 2) “changing” (theorized) expansion rates, it is estimated that at around 20 billion years (+/-) the universe will hit an inflection point and compress for 20billion years till the next inflection/big bang point.

However, the big bang itself is suspect.  When we accept 13.5 billion years as the age of the universe, we’re falling into the trap of pre-AuT observations.  The idea that the universe was completely compressed before it started to decompress is contraindicated.


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