
Thursday, August 17, 2017

AuT-answering the question; What's the matter, where's all the antimatter?

Chapter 6 Notes on Primary Equations

            While the basic algorithms do not change, compression upon information concentration and increased place and dimension ensures that the solution will get more complicated past the basic solutions for the ct0 and ct1 carrier states.  The initial solutions giving rise to the 64 ct2 carrier/information arms the 2^2 part of the f(2)^(2^2) equation do not require an examination of the effect of curvature when y increases in the sin equations and the evolving values which occur once the matrix is complicated past the initial ct1 carrier.  The first carrier is in a ct1 environment where these effects are marginalized, allowing a simple proof giving rise to the ct2 carrier in the ct1 environment (64).
            The original reason theorized for the existence of more matter than antimatter is because the solutions define more positive carrier states because ct2 and higher ct states have only positive solutions for curvature.  A closer examination indicates that a more likely reason is that the net expansion or contraction state of the ct1-ct2 carriers is mostly positive at this point of time (net universal expansion) and that as the universe slows, even less antimatter will be present.  However, when the universe starts to contract, the amount of anti-matter/dark energy will begin to increase with a maximum defined by the inflectio point where the next big bang occurs.
            F(pluspix) is the derivative feature of 0’ that gives the state (+/-) to all subsequent ct states.  F(x) is the Fibonnaci number portion of the solution.  The lifespan or length of any state, via the carrier state which is a combination of the F(x) for life and the F(pluspix) for state (+/-) and the information arm length, at least for the initial ct1-ct2 carrier; can vary greatly depending on the F-series solution to the underlying ct1 states which is the way that durability is maintained.  In addition, the curvature results show that the manipulation of this feature (see the relative sin functions) for degrees.  Since it is a quantum universe, the fractional ct states seen with sin series greater than one are not considered accurate or as accurate as the the f(pluspix) function.
            The plus or minus length of ct0 durable solutions leads to ct1 durable solutions of lengths defined by F(x) which forms the carrier/information arms defined by 2^n and initially based on the more complex 1/0’2n+1 solutions for ct 2 which in turn forms carriers for the next higher ct states which can only be populated with exponentially higher quantities by definition as set out in Figure 3 which quantities are defined by the equation f(n)^(2^n).  
            If the sum of ct1 carriers are 5000, still very short, then it would take 5000 changes of x before there would be a state (+/-) change.  If -7000 it would also take 7000 changes of x but it would be a negative or antimatter state for that period. 

            The current universe is using up all the negative states in expansion via the breakdown of higher states into space.  At the inflection point when compression states begin to outnumber decompression states, we will begin to build an anit-matter universe.

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