
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

AuT Range 3-Vectors

I was watching som Film noir, where the bad guy is described as bringing "strength, excitement, depravity" into the story. ( Born to Kill).  I like that.  Sounds like me.
Well, undermining reality as you know it is pretty exciting whether you appreciate it or not.

Chapter 7 Vectors

I know what you’re thinking.  There are no vectors in AuT, and you are correct, but we are going to show how apparent vectors arise from the mathematical models of AuT.
Vectors are a function of movement and in a quantum state universe movement only occurs when the entire system changes, but then vectors are to some extent defined by movement.
One of the fundamental elements of AuT is that there is a single variable.  On question that comes from this is how vectors can work in this environment.  It helps to look at a gross example.  We can look at a sun like ours with a fast spinning center orbited by a dead planet like Mars.  How can you reconcile the internal movements with a single variable.  While primarily an issue addressed in book 1 the answer was relatively simple.  The “speed” element is a function of the amount of free ct1 in the system which allows for a vibrational effect.  We “see” this as expansion and to the extent the expansion is restricted there is more heat or rotational movement.  The absence of free ct1 makes the system look relatively dead althought there is free ct1 in every system or it would not move.
One factor of the loss of ct1 movement is the addition of dimension.
Figure 10-I'll insert this later, but figure 8 is a more detailed version of figure 10 which is dumbed down to focus on the creation of dimensional reference points as compression is increased from ct1-ct5..
The figure above shows the ct1-ct5 transition following only the dimensional changes that come with the reduction of free ct1.  A photon moves in two dimensions and has a third as a point of observation.  Because ct1 has two arms under the vibrational model in question, a single ct1 provides the two dimensions and the point of reference comes from the information arm.  This point of reference is carried forward no matter how much ct1 is compressed along the series of arms leading to full compression, here from 1 to 4 compression as discussed in reference to figure 8 (also 9) in its various close ups and far aways.
What you see in this figure 10 is that ct1 picks up an additional dimension when it intersects with the ct2 information arm ct2.  This process repeats itself at the information arm of ct3 where an additional dimension is added to the vector.
In ct4, it is likely that the point of reference is the engaged information arm designated as ct4 for the quantum points in question.  Hence the added dimension, the added place in the f-compression series 1,11,111,1111 is a new point of reference along a compressive information arm.

In the next post we will get to how this allows us to generate  vectors that follow the origin (F-series) by having a vector C equal to the sum of two vectors A and B.

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