
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

AuT The New Collosus

So this has come up some in the news.  While not part of the original statue which was made but not erected years before (in parts, it took several years to finish it) this was a poem used to raise money for the pedestal which is heavier and larger in terms of total size than the statue itself.

Does any of that mean anything?

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And speaking of the new Collosus, how about my theory?  Pretty cool, to have figured out how the universe works. So?
Well inherent in this is a way in theory to generate high relative amounts of anti-matter which is critical to that car I want to build.  The interesting thing about this is that AuT indicates the "fuel" for this is space.  That's downright weird, right?  Well, space and my brain (what many would say is a redundant addition, ha ha).
Anyway, before we start talking about how we're going to make all that anti-matter, let's look at the summary process in a couple of posts

Chapter 5 Primary Equations

Figure 7
            Figure 7 shows the creation of carrier-information arms from lower ct states based on common solutions at a quantum moment.
            The Solution is additive in AuT based on F(x) so we can presume that the common solution at Z changes according to -3, -3+5, 2-7, -5+9 for example.   This shows the first four solutions, but you could take the 50th solution 2.83x10^127 in place of any of the others or the 49th-7.24x123 as part of a common solution.  Each solution has (at least) three parts.  One part is the solution order, the value of x which is the same for every solution.  The second part is the F(pix) number which defines it as a positive or negative solution and also defines its place in the overall solution order.  The third solution is the combined value for any value of x which includes all of the other states with which it is solved (see Figure 1 for how these are combined graphically).
            While we are used to math which has a single sum, underlying solutions survive in AuT so that the solution are chains of solutions like the very simple ct1 chains shown in Figure 1.
-1^n/2n+1! Derives from an evolving pi definition and an evolving linearity deriving from the sum 2*y/[pi(x)^2n+1].  Pi(x) refers to pi for different values of the “place” in the F-series (1,11,111,1111,etc representing one, two, three and four places).
            Pi(x) is defined as f(pluspix) Pi= N+(from 2 to max x)N/F(pix)] as defined in more detail below.
          So the equation looks something like this: Sum(0-n)sum(0-pix)[2F(n)^(n^2)/[pix]^2n+1] where F(n) is the Fibonacci number for any value of n and where n is defined by the possible amount of compression of information for value of x balanced against how much is positive and how much is negative.
            Each ct state has a life based on this sum which is related to several solutions all of which are derived form 0’ which presents itself mathematically as -1^x and less particularly the solutions are derived from the value of pi for any value of x.  The method of summation is related to the two prior results being summed along with the effect of each new ct0 states as a possible source number.  All preserved solutions of 0’ form part of the underlying gravitational matrix which is tied to solution order and the combination of prior results to get a current result.

            The initial ct1 solutions as positive or negative, that is the part related directly to f(pix) supports ct2 dimensional features establishing (1) their length of survival, (2) their positive or negative state; or put another way, their matter verse antimatter states and (3) the resulting compressive or decompressive features when combined in higher ct states.

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