
Saturday, August 26, 2017

AuT-the grant

So, I haven't completely stepped away from AuT because I'm trying to get feedback on this grant that is supposed to be missing something.  It's probably just missing references to things that don't exist, but as part of the exercise, I'm rewriting the grant to include book 4.  Since I'm encapsulating books 1-4 into a very short document it cuts to the quick and is helping to focus on some "roughed out" ideas such as the weak force which is sort of glossed over in light of the strong force which is much easier to nail down because of its application and scale.  The weak force has some aberrational elements, but nothing I can't handle.
Both the strong and the weak force seem to be transitional states in the precense of the ct4-ct5 transition and related to the "proximity" of black holes even though they are far away.  Exactly how they function relative to one another and the nucleus, a compaction of quantum ct4 states, is still unclear.
Hence, in writing the grant application, I added this 'explanation' or perhaps excuse that is worth repeating:

THE young model

            However, AuT is a very young model.  While it represents 4 years of development; less than a year ago AuT still was working with very rough versions of the details.  A year ago, it said the models were like intersecting spirals instead of the -1^x driver and its progeny; looking at effects, such as capacitance equations to attempt to find expansion and contraction characteristics.  Reading this paper, it’s easy to say, the numbers for derivation of pi and sin functions were there all along, why not just apply them?  It’s a valid criticism, but when you are working completely unfunded it’s hard to drop your day job and start making spreadsheets.  Even so, the basic parameters were there, and still are there, and the theory only requires times to fulfil its predictive and exploitive ends.  Book 2 was a very rough attempt at determining force and range from information arm and it is extensively rewritten, but without a secretary to make the changes, it remains obscure to the public.  Millions, if not billions, are begin spent looking for evidence of particles that don’t even exist except as manifestations of information change which can be examined from information obtained, but more importantly, can be determined from a more fully developed model of AuT.

Anyway, books 1-4 cover what needs to be covered to have an understanding of the theory and to see the outlines of the model.  It remains to do second editions of book 2 and 4.

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