
Friday, August 29, 2014

NLT the next thing 64-opening statements-Part 1

The storms are coming.  I can feel them in the air.  There is a coolness of air coming from high in the atmosphere, a wind blowing as if from a far distance, suggesting origins in a gale.  The sea is hot and full of storms, a sea that at any time can organize and is constantly on the move.  I hate the rain, it reminds me of what I lost and I love the rain for the memories that wash over me, hurting me and reminding me that there is beauty and healing even from those who lay down in the dust.

You know, occasionally we do things that might be misinterpreted.  If I were smarter or more clever then you might assume that my reference to String Hologram Theory by an acronym (SHT) was one letter off from a derogatory reference.  While I certainly invite the disdain of the Traditional Physics Cabal (TPC) with my writing style, I willingly admit that everything I write began with SHT and might end up as SHT, but I wax pun-etic; I am far beyond SHT and anyone who reads this understands that while my theories leaves me up to my neck in SHT, my concepts look farther than SHT into the origins of space time and the universe.  If you find my ideas full of SHT it is only because you are stuck in the SHT view of things.

OPENING STATEMENTS: Part 1 NLT is a critical study of quantum theory and is specifically the study of quantum time as an origin for space-time phenomena.
The idea that the universe we experience is the projection of a hologram was established several years back.  For a more complete history, see "The Einstein Hologram Universe."
NLT is two steps past standard hologram theory, also called "string hologram theory".  While it makes sense to "jump to the conclusion" that if we are in a hologram (a three dimensional representation of two dimensions) then the hologram must be a projection from one dimension and that in turn is a projection of a non-dimensional environment; the derivation of NLT is more complicated and this analysis is less intuitive until the answer is given.  After all, SHT is actually little more than the "rediscovery" of what Parminides realized 2500 years ago.  The quantum shift 2500 years ago was the recognition that the universe of space time had logical inconsistencies that could not be resolved as long as one insisted on viewing space-time as a pre-requisite; and even SHT failed to recognize that Parminides was far ahead of the SHT theorists.
The first step in getting from Hologram theory to NLT was the determination that everything happens at once in the absence of time.  This in turn led to the concept that time had both linear and non-linear attributes.  What we call time was in fact merely linear time.  The next step in the progression was the determination that time had different "phases".  Several analogies were then formed to describe the features of these time phases, numbering them (clock time 1, clock time 2, etc); looking at them as orbits or states; developing the inter-relational aspects (conservation of time, dimensional change-speed, expression, and exponential compression) and finally the process of beginning to explain these relationships and how the were derived.
  While one might say that this is inherent in string hologram theory (called SHT to distinguish it from EHT) this is not true.  The problem that SHT had was its failure to realize that there could be an existence outside of space time which is the primary reason that the process of going from two dimensions to zero dimensions (a non-space-time environment) was not intuitive.
It  was, however, a concept that predated Hologram theory (Einstein's) that allowed this step, but even Einstein could not surrender space-time, despite having essentially stated that it did not exist.
NLT has several benefits over SHT.  The first is that it explains the universe of space time more completely.  Another is that it gives a basis for quantum theories.  A complete list of the benefits requires a full reading of "Non-Linear Time Theory" and even that list is necessarily a work in progress.

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