
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

China's weaponized economy-another stupid prediction about World War III between China and the USA

The lack of intelligent examination by our government is a reflection of the sloth that comes to an economy which is living off of its credit, the mature reserve currency.  This in turn is reflected in the media which seeks to adopt the popular beliefs of the masses, whether justified or not.
What is wrong with this article.  This article is about everything that makes our country stupid; something you would not expect from a major new reporter, but while they would thoroughly research and intellectuallize an affair by Kim Kardashian, they are absolutely blind to anything beyond the superficial understandings of congress on issues of foreign affairs and this ignorance trickles down to all the parts of government and apparently the superficial press.
The issues that we have here are several.  First, I swam 3500 yards and I'm pretty tired.  But you don't care about that.
The failure of economies which has occurred over time and which is covered in more detail in the next edition of China's weaponized economy is theorized to be based on the fact that governments get lazy, established, corrupt and borrow their economies into bankruptcy.  The economies themselves go steadily further into debt, the citizens failing to recognize that their elevated lifestyles are based on their own debt.   Who knows, perhaps they fail to maintain a sufficiently impoverished lower class to maintain manufacturing; that would be a kick in the pants, and yet it is largely the story of "1984".
The solution, at least the immediate solution to ignorance, is a state constitutional convention to force term limits on congress.  This is a constitutional remedy which has never, in 200 plus years, been used.  This would at least take care of the entrenched government.
But what, you ask, does this have to do with this incredibly stupid article about World War III and why do I insist it is stupid.  Well, first it is clear that the author did not read the first edition of China's Weaponized Economy.  I can assume this is because the author is waiting for the second edition.
But the most important problem is that we are already engaged in WWIII.  This is proven by the chain of failures of currencies over the last 200 years; but here it is about manufacturing.
If we went to war with china, the first thing we would discover is that we do not have the technology to produce computers, cell phones or electronic cigarettes.  Yes, some minor things we could still make, but the major production of all of our techonology and the next war will be about technology, is made in asia and overall China has taken our capacity while our ignorant leaders, including those who run our news organizations apparently, have stayed, well ignorant.
I have my own problems, and none of them have anything to do with China, at least not yet.  But there is nothing that I can do about those at this moment; or there is but I don't know how to do it.
Ah, life is complicated, Alas, alas Babylon.
Oh, and the reason the article is so wrong?  World War III has already begun, it is a war of manufacturing and technology and the USA is sleeping through China winning it.

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