
Friday, August 22, 2014

NLT-the next step 58-the predecessor of you and NLT

This is just miserable.
I am not talking about the problems with NLT
tonight was a swim night. a real swimmer was there. aggravated by his speed and youth but I took deep breaths and continued my warmup at a slightly only accelerated pace. a thunderstorm foiled my workout the swimmer couldn't ruin before I got to see how long he could last, his college age, high school trained heart against my ancient, overtaxed, but so far always reliable remnant. swimming is lonely exercise although if you are lucky you can see bodies you like beside you and there is comraderie with a team but that hasn't been possible with my schedule, my age except for occasional saturdays.  The summer filled with its empty pool nights, is now giving way to the fall and a pool filled with mostly young people, all of whom I can swim into the ground, except the occasional trained swimmer.
 it is lonely tonight also. but not every night will be like this. nights filled with people noise and passion await as surely as the future copies the past.
NLT takes nothing for granted.  It is certainly not the only theory that does so, but it is more complete.  It rejects the absurdity of the multiple dimensional infinite possibility universe; but not completely.  If the universe is the barely passing grade of some uber 3rd grader, it seems likely that there is a class; at least from our perspective whch is meaningless outside of this universe.
While it will strikes the unimaginative as odd, NLT is suggested by all observed phenomena.  This means we are less than a projection of linearity onto a non linear framework.  We are not the showing of the video; instead we are the video in a dormant state.  We are the bits of data on the database, not runnning some algorithm, but instead complete in our dormance, unless we can manipulate the program.  While you might scoff at the idea which is internally inconsistent of a single slide changing the outcome of the film; in this case we are dealing with something far more complex; and we can only aspire to be the computer program which outgrows the system and takes over the matrix.  This would require the ability to change a predetermined universe which is impossible from a logical standpoint, but it also assume that mathematics as we understand them are finite rules which are not subject to manipulation.  NLT suggests that alternatives may be available since time is the only constant.
Let me point out the inconsistency in our ability to manipulate the universe and then show how that can be changed.
First, we have discussed previously that based on the given set of rules (physics and its spawn chemistry and the the grandchild biology) which given the absence of randomness (we assume randomness but randomness is only present as an illusion on the scale of high compression states which have been organized into "self aware units" and physics and math dictate that what we perceive as randomness is only an illusion unless there is a set of dice in the universe which is clearly not shown in any fully developed theory.  Note that the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle and its ilk suggest randomness, but in the examination, it can be seen that when all factors are taken into account, it is merely a predetermined manipulation of trillions of individual time quanta.
What is considered randomness and manipulation is only another word for inadequate mathematical computer power and a focus away from the important consideration of the fundamental nature of the universe (i.e. any theory other than Non-linear time theory).
However, our consciousness of the true nature of the universe (which dates back at least 2500 years, apparently); the illusory nature of reality, the lack of a "rational explanation" to existence leaves a window open.  If we cannot trust mathematics and physics, if they are only a manifestation of the apparent, but not necessarily actual linearity of a non-linear universe, than we cannot be certain that our ideas of predestination are accurate.  That is, while everything happens at once in Non-linear time, our collective intelligence (past present and future unseparated by time and space-a einstein hologram universe concept) migth have the power to effect linearity in ways that we cannot understand without more exploration of this conceptually.
Traditionalist utilize god as a tool for taking the pre-universe and turning it into our otherwise inexplicable universe.  As is shown in the predecessor to NLT laid out in the Einstein Hologram universe the idea of a traditionalist type god is possible under the basic concepts of non-linearity, but this does not take us to the pre-universe environment that creates a non-linear universe.  That is, god-like compression of universal intelligence creates an amusing circular argument of creation, a snake eathing itself by ingesting its own tail, but some environment must exist which allows for the creation of the snake.
The idea is that for us to accept any type of universe exists (that is for us to accept our own existence as anything other than an illusion) requires an explanation of why and how.  To accept space time with all of its contents as something we have to accept is immature.  It is no different than accepting a god as the creator without an explanation of how god came to be or what environment he exists in.  Previously I spoke to the "futility" of life if we are predestined, and in truth, the only true path is one that allows us to look past our preconceived notions of predestination.  Our ultimate scientific purpose is to determine the basis of our predestination and to look for a way to manipulate it.  All of our other actions are just amusement to the thrid grader who created our universe (or our god or gods if you insist).
There is no reason to deny the existence of a god, or even a pantheon, but to do so requires an explanation of where these superior beings come from.  NLT only takes us one step closer to that environment by explaining where our environment comes from, it goes no further, but may be a tool for doing so.
While NLT begins with Non-linearity, the true question from the standpoint of origin lies in discovering the environment of non-linearity.  Only then can we attempt to find out how it exists.
The idea that there is any way to explain the universe, existence, your consciousness is absurd and yet is a goal of science.  The reason is that there can be no legitimate explanation because any explanation almost necessarily has to be based on some predecessor which is inexplicable.  I.E. we are only a projection, but where is the film stored, what is a non-time, non-dimensional universe like?
We do, of course, have models in traditional math of limited dimension, but in this case NLT suggests that the key is the number of dimensional coordinates that can "change" at one time, not the number of coordinates that exist which make up the "true dimensional analysis".
So those of you who would argue that a predestined, non-linear universe, where every moment of existence can exist at once with its past and future together are ignoring reality in favor of experience.  But our near complete misunderstanding of pre-destination both in our universe and in the predecessor if one exists (which our point of reference exists must exist) means that even something as fundamental as predestination, as NLT, may lie on a foundation as hard to imagine for us as the falacy of existence must have been before Parminides 2500 years ago.
Wait for it.

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